Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Economist sensibly saw an electricity tax as a way of resolving this problem , but , with the Conservative opposition ready to taunt the Government with unfairly raising prices , the prospects of a rational price policy were not good .
2 ’ I am going to take you to the pictures tonight to see The Gold Rush . ’
3 one of them said , you know , he said how , how the hell how the hell can they say which directions the fire 's coming from ? but they , I mean some of them were saying like this mate he run out , he was going across this patch of open space and the soldier obviously saw a soldier and as he did that apparently he got shot through there and out the other side of him .
4 The authors therefore saw the asymmetry as arising from the input rather then the recognition stages of processing .
5 The authors therefore see the relationship between data-base and hyper-text technologies as symbiotic rather than parasitical .
6 The visitors also saw the accident and emergency department and special units for diabetics and haematology patients at the General before meeting neuro surgeon Fred Nath .
7 Before the doctors or the consultant actually sees a patient , then
8 The Pearl has been making strenuous efforts to change its business direction , but the Australians clearly see the possibilities offered by the British group 's large distribution network to market its own products .
9 The war also saw the BBC staff more than double in size , from about 5,000 in 1938 to 11,000 in 1946 .
10 In our fixation shift procedure , the infant initially sees a screen containing a central flashing face-like target , which is replaced by a contrast-reversing target 23 deg either right or left of centre .
11 The canon also sees a demonstration of hypnotism causing an ‘ unusual form of blindness ’ when the men of Sodom were unable to see the angels in Lot 's house ( Genesis 19:11 ) .
13 Yet the period also saw the revival of government-business co-operation on a scale not evident since the early NIRA days of the New Deal .
14 The duke immediately saw an opportunity to improve relations with the powerful Buchanan family , none of whose members were of great wealth , but several of whom were freeholders in Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire .
15 The more conservative-minded members of the leadership probably saw the students ' anti-Japanese protests as a way of criticising the ‘ reformist ’ faction .
16 The decade also saw the passing away of many of the old stalwart deaf missioners , such as James Paul , and they were being replaced by hearing missioners .
17 If the person never saw the figure otherwise than as he does now , to say that he interprets what he sees in a certain way may be taken — because of ( 1 ) above — to imply that all seeing involves ( a ) the immediate awareness of something uninterpreted and ( b ) the interpretation of it in the light of past experience .
18 The partners still saw the demerger as the solution to their problems ( in fact the Witney office was hived off in March this year ) , so they brought in Arthur Andersen to help them in their negotiations with NatWest .
19 In the country towns the gradual decline in status undergone by the guilds also saw a reduction in the number of trappings provided for the funeral .
20 The plebeians then see the light and Brutus has very cleverly swayed the plebeians into seeing the reasons why Caesar most definitely had to be killed .
21 Scottish Members of Parliament has been reduced to the nefarious nine , and now that the Secretary of State for Scotland and virtually every one of that nefarious nine trembles on the edge of the abyss of a total political wipeout in Scotland , will the Government finally see the sense of coming to the negotiating table and talking about Scottish government ?
22 Some of Donaldson 's punting was shrewdly angled and flighted but the wings scarcely saw the ball .
23 It was worth all the effort just to see the bird do its stuff , and enjoy the indescribable thrill of so many chases .
24 Fund raising was initiated in the audiology department in 1987 and representatives of organisations who supported the appeal were at the hospital yesterday seeing the equipment in operation .
25 Will the world ever see the likes of such a man again ?
26 60,000 fans will pack into the Bowl tomorrow to see the Boss .
27 The year also saw the Society give oral evidence to the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice , and the Council issue a statement on proper access to video recordings of a child witness 's evidence .
28 The year also saw the telegraph wires , which straddled the 3rd and 11th being put underground , thus removing a hazard which penalised the local ‘ phone subscribers more than the golfers for it , if the wires were hit dynamically , their ‘ phones were cut off !
29 The year also saw the beginning of modularisation at the University and with this the initiation of procedures by the Enterprise Centre , in conjunction with the Quality Assurance Unit , to monitor the introduction and development of enterprise in all modules .
30 In only one in four cases has the patient actually seen the crab lice .
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