Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] which [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 They dropped down into a chamber , the roof of which must have been seven or eight feet high , and where the air seemed quite fresh .
2 Instead of the blue uniform , which sat well on his big frame , he was sporting a hideous shirt patterned with palm trees and his plump buttocks were compressed into a pair of fawn slacks , the cut of which would have flattered a slimmer figure but was less than kind to his own .
3 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
4 Spears and axes have utilitarian forms , the manufacture of which would have been within the abilities of anyone with basic smithing experience ; both have sockets for handles/shafts which would have been created by beating the iron around a former .
5 Another pointer to their continued and increasing use is the recent interest in holistic medicine , the philosophy of which can have such far-reaching effects that the entire way of life of modem civilization may be completely altered by the time the twenty-first century is well under way .
6 In the abbey church of St Seurin at Bordeaux , for example , he could see Roland 's horn , the sound of which might have summoned reinforcements to Roncesvalles but which Roland , more careful of his reputation than of his life , had refused to blow until it was too late .
7 Watkins probably heard mention of these ideas , the seeds from which may have lain dormant in him for over fifty years .
8 It was significant that the Official Secrets Act — the use of which would have been fatal to the publication — was not resorted to by the government .
9 Katib Celebi 's assertion that Abdulkerim was Mufti in Edirne , however , adds yet another unknown to an already difficult set of equations since it suggests the possibility that there may have been a separate official muftilik in Edirne ( and perhaps by extension in Bursa ) concurrently with the Muftilik of Istanbul — this would run contrary to the underlying assumption of the traditional view that the Mufti was the Mufti of the capital , successively Bursa , Edirne and Istanbul some of the holders of which may have become , with the passage of time , confused with the holders of the Muftilik of Istanbul .
10 In addition , it discharges a host of minor , even trivial , functions , the cessation of which would have little impact on public life .
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