Example sentences of "the [noun] [is] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases the structure may also be capable of being assessed under TA 1988 , s739 although if there is a UK life tenant it may be argued that the income is not in reality paid to a person who is resident or domiciled outside the United Kindom within TA 1988 , s739 .
2 The weakness is not in truth as the object of belief ; the weakness is in the believer since he is failing to enter into the essential obligations of believing .
3 ‘ Surely the prince is not in danger , ’ Joan protested .
4 The winner is still in use , a tribute to Louis Mignot , a local grower .
5 The fact that there may indeed be real risks attached to opening up and talking from the heart is not in dispute , just as the limitations on teachers ' freedom are very real .
6 However , this sounds remarkably like the money is not in fact additional at all .
7 I would think a lot of the money is actually in property already or she 's got to have it in property
8 Today , the brewery is still at work , producing three types of draught and three types of bottled beers , that are fervently supported locally and supplied to sixteen local pubs in the surrounding towns and villages .
9 The case is otherwise with respect to primary qualities .
10 Before the master the attack on the third party notice was , I understand , based on somewhat technical issues , such as the want of particularity in the allegations made against the third party , the fact that there is no assertion that he was part of the conspiracy in which the third defendant is said to have joined and an argument that the third defendant and the third party are not on any view liable to the plaintiffs in respect of the same damage , so that the case is not within section 1(1) of the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 , which I shall mention in some detail later .
11 It may be that the case is out of line with modern mores .
12 We have one possibility but the case is still under investigation and I am looking for possible motives .
13 The case is still in progress .
14 Next we restrict ourselves to harmonic ( optical ) fields E(t) , with angular frequency w : Assuming , for definiteness , that the atom is initially in state 1 , and expressing its subsequent evolution as then standard application of time-dependent perturbation theory gives , to lowest order Clearly the largest excitation will occur in cases where hw is resonant with an atomic energy spacing { maths } .
15 But the field is continuously in movement .
16 The ban is already in force in one production area , it 'll apply to the whole factory from the end of the month .
17 It is ironic that the Hercules is now in service with the Argentinian navy .
18 For several reasons ( some of them government imposed ) , fewer cattle are now kept on the crofts in Shetland , and the accent is more on sheep-rearing .
19 Even if the contract is not in writing , the haulier must serve a written statement on every employee within 13 weeks of the start of employment , outlining the basic terms of his or her employment .
20 The contract is still in force and must be completed by both parties .
21 At the other extreme , the Christian is not at liberty to base his view of crime and punishment on the pre-supposition that all crime is just another kind of sickness , and just as capable of cure .
22 In this case too it looks as if the decision is out of line with the most obvious interpretation of the words .
23 The pastellist is literally in touch with the colour and texture of the materials , and with the fabric of the painting .
24 Most of the exceptions to the nemo dat principle apply only if the goods are disposed of by someone in possession of them and if the buyer is lawfully in possession of the goods the seller 's lien is lost anyway ( section 43(1) ( b ) ) .
25 When the mare is in at night do put a rug on her , feel her ears to check she is warm enough .
26 Some stallion owners may want a second payment in October if the mare is definitely in foal .
27 The mass is apparently about right , and the Z o has appeared at just the right frequency .
28 A substantial part of the trail is already in use ; two units of it are incorporated in two excursions ( to Rutli and to Bauen ) described in this section .
29 The building is still in use and not open to the public .
30 The Admiral 's still in charge . ’
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