Example sentences of "the [noun] [to-vb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Extend the algorithm to deal with a general dividend and divisor , and include a test for overflow ( i.e. when the quotient can not be represented in n bits ) .
2 Fremantle 's motion was put to a vote and rejected and it was agreed to recommend that new fire-proof Foreign and Colonial Offices should be built on part of the park to conform with a general plan for rebuilding the area .
3 I should very much like the opportunity to discuss with the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friends , and other colleagues from Northern Ireland , how we can introduce a strategy for promoting inward investment over a longer time scale than that hitherto adopted .
4 The prime responsibility of the courts was to protect the public against a person who showed a propensity for very disturbing behaviour when he had the opportunity to interfere with the young and defenceless .
5 We have got the expertise to cope with the changing face of local government .
6 Peking officials now seek to excuse the June atrocities by claiming — all too credibly — that they had neither the resources nor the expertise to cope with the escalating civil disorder culminating in the Tiananmen Square assault .
7 Company commitment and the willingness to remain with the same firm for long periods may therefore be underpinned by the prospect of heavy sacrifices that accompany the alternatives .
8 He considered the advantage to lie with the former .
9 The pattern recognition technique enables the computer to cope with a certain amount of operator error , minor misspellings make no difference .
10 We finished the wine and adjourned to the cafeteria to celebrate with a good dinner .
11 The British Chiefs of Staff and the Foreign Office put up an obdurate defence , yet it seems that Attlee did not begin to retreat until January 1947 , around the time of the decision to proceed with a British nuclear bomb .
12 The decision to proceed with the hydro-electric and irrigation project has been taken despite the fact that essential funding from the EC has yet to be approved .
13 Unfortunately the same can not be said of the decision to persevere with the existing range of street furniture .
14 Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women .
15 Is it in that child 's interest for it to go home or is it in the child 's interest er for the responsibility to lie with the local authority or the High Court ?
16 Fortunately , all the Trace management staff are staying on , and Kaman have a history of encouraging its subsidiary companies to retain their own product identities , so we at Guitarist sincerely hope that one of Britain 's brighter amp companies will be allowed the freedom to continue with the experimental stuff .
17 Photech Engineering Ltd. has produced an underwater housing system for format cameras which allows the user to start with a basic housing system and build on it , take full advantage of their camera system and even to change camera systems altogether at a relatively small cost .
18 This makes indirect taxes , such as excise and import duties , much cheaper to collect than direct taxes , though the difference is less marked for VAT , which requires the authorities to deal with a large number of mainly small traders .
19 Saturday brought the course to close with an enjoyable ‘ altogether ’ in the gym , then once mor we made our ways home stimulated , refreshed and already looking forward to next year .
20 While Mr Forte had reservations about the lengthy name of the congress , he hoped it would lead to a structure which should enable the industry to speak with a single voice on many issues .
21 Why could not Æthelred have brought the enemy to battle with a national army at his back , as Alfred did many times , as Æthelstan did to gain his great victory at Brunanburh in 937 , as King Harold Godwinsson did in 1066 , and , most significantly of all , as Æthelred 's own son did in 1016 ?
22 It is easier to fit an extension to the inlet of a narrower radiator so the pipes can be reconnected than to alter the pipework to cope with a wider one .
23 A male who stands by and allows another companion member of the coalition to mate with a receptive female is not really being altruistic , because that companion is probably a relative .
24 But I 've been asked by the PM to co-operate with a special operative of the CIA .
25 In such a situation members of congress may also be prepared to forego their usual concern with constitutional niceties in the interest of allowing the president to cope with an international or domestic crisis .
26 Joseph went into the ring to confer with the other deep judges of the sport .
27 The stem-loop structure is therefore present to enable local perturbations in the DNA structure which allow the protein to interact with the single DNA strand .
28 attempts by the executive arm of government to influence sentencing are unconstitutional ; attempts by the legislature to interfere with the sentencing discretion of the courts are , even if not strictly unconstitutional , bound to result in both practical confusion and injustice to defendants ; the sentencing powers of the courts should therefore be left to the wisdom of the courts , under the guidance of the Court of Appeal .
29 The Atomic Energy Authority is giving some of its protective equipment to the Ukraine to help with the continuing clean-up operation at Chernobyl .
30 ‘ Every year I say I am optimistic , ’ he added , ‘ but there is the political will in the council to agree with the new scheme and they would like to get Liss ' problem out of the way and a new school built . ’
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