Example sentences of "the [noun] [to-vb] [coord] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The gap between the willingness to lend and the capacity to receive is partly due to the fact that the majority of donors have country lending , or granting , targets .
2 He refused birds the permission to fly or the winds to blow , and became annoyed when they did n't pay any attention to him .
3 The verb to race and the noun racing are paronymically related to the occurrence of race in 12 , but not to that in 13 ; on the other hand , racial and racist are related to race in 13 , but not in 12 .
4 Until today 's new proposals Britain had been cautioning against such an operation because of the dangers to aircrew and the risk of killing or injuring people on the ground .
5 But Britain has been cautioning against such an operation because of the dangers to aircrew and the risk of killing or injuring people on the ground .
6 It would seem reasonable to assume from this , that the length of the chains in the sample must play a significant role in determining the resistance to flow and the effect of chain length on log η , measured at low shear rates to ensure Newtonian flow , is illustrated in figure 12.4 .
7 By December 1858 St Petersburg had taken two of the three decisions which led to the statutes of 1861 : the decision to emancipate and the decision to emancipate with land .
8 In complex market economies , where the decision to produce and the decision to consume are taken by different people at different points in time , it is important for manufacturers to have some idea of the likely demand for products .
9 Neither the decision to expel nor the service of an expulsion notice are matters where majority decisions can be taken relying on s24(8) of the Partnership Act .
10 Listening for the foot to halt and the steps to end there
11 She stood poised for a moment , stretched her mouth wide , licked her lips , moved her shoulders from side to side , then let her body sway , waited for the chorus to finish and the verse to start and she went on .
12 In the Alexander case , unlike the 1985 case , there was no work for the employee to do and the employers did not have complete confidence in the employee anyway .
13 The scene was so vivid and lifelike you almost expected the bear to move or the tree to bend .
14 If only he could find the switch to throw or the knob to turn that would liberate the real potential of communism .
15 But it emphasised the point that the capacity to signal and the capacity to learn combine to make animal communication increasingly rich and complicated .
16 Corporate America had decided the IBM was the machine to follow and the Macintosh , whatever its advantages , simply did n't fit into this scheme .
17 Second we turn to the war itself : the shock of destruction , the determination to rebuild and the emergence of consensus over central direction .
18 You should tell him what you expect the equipment to do and the duty cycle or period involved .
19 Discretion always exists even over such matters as the pace of work , the attitude to work or the willingness to perform tasks .
20 An incident burst of gravitational radiation with favourable polarization and frequency will excite the bar to oscillate and the oscillations will continue long after the burst has ended .
21 But anglers in the Peter Walker Open could n't persuade the fish to eat and the match was won by a mere 4lb 14oz .
22 He told 20,000 supporters : ‘ This is a contest between the courage to change and the comfort of the status quo .
23 There was the mortgage to pay and the electricity bill for the central heating they could n't economise there because of Debbie needing warmth — and the hire-purchase on the bedroom suite to find .
24 This causes the beam to bend and the displacement is measured by means of a strain gauge or a differential transformer .
25 Like our own time , the late nineteenth century saw a constant tension between the desire to exploit and the desire to conserve , and we should beware of identifying either of these attitudes with any particular development in the scientific study of life and its environment .
26 DO you have the desire to succeed and the ability to cope with pressure ?
27 We explored various explanations of the present situation — such as Schumpeter 's analysis , the growth of government and the role of technology as an autonomous and primary force — and concluded that the root of the problem lay in the basic tension within humanism — the prevailing philosophy today in the Western world — namely the conflict between the desire to control and the desire to be free .
28 We explored various explanations of the present situation — such as Schumpeter 's analysis , the growth of government and the role of technology as an autonomous and primary force — and concluded that the root of the problem lay in a basic tension within humanism ( the prevailing philosophy today in the Western world ) namely between the desire to control and the desire to be free .
29 But Between portrays a successful navigation between the desire to transgress and the need for the stability provided by insularity .
30 The producer , Dennis Walker , who 's also Robert Cray 's producer , knew the places to go and the musicians to hire .
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