Example sentences of "the [noun] [to-vb] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sally Gilbert-Smith and Ruth Gilbert from Cornwall — Sally , 28 , who works in Lloyds Bank in Newquay , entered herself and her mother for the competition because it seemed like the perfect opportunity for the experts to show them off to their full potential .
2 General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas , builders of the super-expensive A-12 fighter for the United States Navy , want the Pentagon to bail them out of a possible $2.7 billion overrun on the development and production of A-12s .
3 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
4 Where did he get the money to set himself up with a yacht in Burnham-on-bloody-Crouch if it was n't a pay-off from Maurice Abberley for services rendered ? ’
5 Their tasks included collecting taxes and when necessary producing labourers for public works on dams , canals or bridges ; and enlisting the required numbers of men for the army who lacked the money to buy themselves out of national service .
6 This combined with the smell of their droppings and the musky odour of the birds themselves , makes such colonies very smelly places and has led to the suggestion that the birds may use the smell to guide themselves back to it through the darkness of night .
7 We come now to vote on this addendum to deliverance n number four and , since it is in print , we do n't need to ask the clerk to read it out for us , so therefore as , ask those who wish to vote for this addendum would you please stand .
8 Her children have disappointed and saddened her to the point where she has made the decision to rule them out of future considerations surrounding the throne .
9 This is almost certainly because the decision to send them in during the later stages of the accident was political ( western-made robots might have been used instead , had the new Soviet leader , one Mikhail Gorbachev , been willing to let the West learn the extent of the disaster ) .
10 She said she had not wanted to die but that she had taken the tablets to calm herself down in order to get some sleep .
11 They will need to have the skills to talk someone out of another pair of loopstitch socks or convince a lost soul that a key-ring with a thermometer measuring wind-chill factor is not going to change their lives .
12 He had laid by his sword , but he had a dagger still upon him , and managed to draw it and slash through the folds that smothered him ; and Norbury and Erpyngham and half a dozen others of his own people came plunging and splashing through the storm to help him out of these ominous grave-clothes .
13 This is not the same as being someone to whom other people often bring their problems ; that does not guarantee the instinctive knowledge of whether something is real or merely a " try-on " , or whether something that is being glosssed over is really something that should be dug out and gone into in depth , or whether the time has come to say and do nothing other than give encouragement to the sufferer to work something out for himself or herself with the assistance of other sufferers in the group .
14 He told the driver to take him back to his office .
15 Then it 's very hard for the audience or people reading the play to pick anything up from it because it 's all mixed up and it 's just an amalgam of
16 So while it was wrong for the IRA to let off bombs in Northern Ireland it was quite all right for the DGSE to let them off in New Zealand .
17 In the meantime , the hole in the road is reopened , and at 6pm the men line up by the side of the maypole , the band starts to play and the command to hoist it on to shoulders is given .
18 Fearing pre-election jitters would make things worse for French collectors this year , organisers Daniel Gervis and Florence Benhaim also changed the dates of the Salon to put it on after France 's two-round General Election on 21 and 28 March .
19 He reached out , catching her by the shoulders to jerk her back towards him and give her a hard shake that made her head spin .
20 The water start uses the force of the wind to pull you out of the water and , when performed properly , is a faster and more efficient means of starting on all types of board .
21 When it was time to leave and I was waiting for the car to take me back to the station for the journey back , I have to confess that I shed a tear or two .
22 Mayne and his group crept away , leaving the guards to fight it out between themselves .
23 Shiona thought disapprovingly , as she crossed to the coffee-maker to switch it on for herself .
24 These days people bring hamsters and terrapins and rabbits and dogs , but nobody quite has the nerve to pin them down on a slab and cut their throats .
25 It was surely preferable for the superpowers to fight it out in the space race than blow the world to bits ( Wolfe 1979 ) .
26 As the technical programmes evolved , they gave rise to commercial activities — such as selling fuel elements and graphite to the civil power stations — and as these matured it became the practice to spin them off as separate entities or to transfer the technology and the responsibility to commercial organisations .
27 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
28 ‘ But it is the owner 's view that Jimmy does not suit Cool Ground , and he says he prefers a jockey who sits still and allows the horse to take him along to his fences .
29 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
30 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
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