Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the response varied from council to council .
2 Logan 's name is now synonymous with publishing success and under his benign and brilliant regime the NME went from strength to strength .
3 The base split from side to side but fortunately the water only seeped out .
4 The icons change from level to level , but the effect remains the same .
5 Orders then snowballed and when the world 's first public railway opened in 1825 , William Jnr was one of six Stockton and Darlington Railway directors taking part in the trial run from Shildon to Darlington .
6 The money raised from subscription to the new service , will be used to recoup the £140,000 that was spent developing it .
7 The money raised from subscription to the new service , will be used to recoup the £140,000 that was spent developing it .
8 Hence , local authorities have to deal with a number of different central government departments , but the extent to which this is the case varies from issue to issue .
9 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
10 The movements of wintering birds and passage migrants clearly overlap , but the records suggest that comparatively few of the birds recorded from August to October and in April stay for any length of time .
11 The coin went from hand to reluctant hand .
12 Each field has a name and space for typing in the corresponding data , and the user progresses from field to field under program control .
13 In other overseas markets the deficit increased from $2.9m to $6.1m due largely to adverse currency movements in Brazil and a poor result in Puerto Rico which reported an increased deficit .
14 ‘ proceed to a particular point ’ means e.g. to signal the driver to go from A to B or start a particular line of traffic etc .
15 The budget varies from store to store and shop to shop , depending on the attitude of the retailer .
16 The trips run from Friday to Monday and are scheduled to depart on 12 June , and 16 October ‘ 92 .
17 The industry benefited from access to Japan Development Bank loans , and various tax concessions .
18 In this chapter , the politics move from the ordinarily right wing to the extraordinarily extreme ; and the methodology shifts from ethnography to the analysis of printed texts .
19 The Dunfords moved from Petersfield to Alton in 1940 .
20 I dream of Strathspeld , and the long summers of my childhood passed in a trance of lazy pleasure , ending with that day , running through the woods ( but I turn away from that memory , the way I 've learned to over the years ) ; I wander again through the woods and the small , hidden glens , along the shores of the ornamental lochan and the river and its loch and I 'm standing near the old boathouse in that defeatingly bright sunlight , light dancing on water , and I see two figures , naked and thin and white in the grass beyond the reed beds , and as I watch them the light turns from gold to silver and then to white , and the trees seem to shrink in on themselves , leaves disappearing in the chill coruscations of that enveloping white blaze while the view all around me becomes brighter and darker at once and all is reduced to black and white ; trees are bare and black , the ground smother-smoothed in white and the two young figures are gone , while one even smaller one — booted , gloved , coat-tails flying behind — runs laughing across the white level of the frozen loch .
21 Researchers have discovered that periods of dreaming during sleep are related to times of rapid-eye movement ( REM ) during which the eyes flick from side to side under the eyelids .
22 It 's a way of getting from A to B in winter — and autumn and spring , too — in the far North where the snow lasts from November to late April/May .
23 The National Consumer Credit Federation , representing check traders , told us that the agent going from door to door , usually with long experience of working for the firm , had quite a lot of discretion over whether or not to lend , though with small firms the bosses like to keep in touch themselves , often going on collection rounds so as to see customers , and certainly weighing up doubtful cases themselves .
24 ‘ Our idea is not to change the nature of the force to move from peacekeeping to peacemaking , ’ said Jean-Bernard Merimee , the ambassador of France , whose forces have suffered the most casualties in the Balkans .
25 The stock jumped from 6p to 16p before settling at 13p .
26 Again , the songs vary from group to group , but they also evolve over time .
27 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
28 The colour of the duns varies from dark to silvery pale dun , and in fact is dun rather than red which is the common recessive in the breed and which could suggest a link with Scandinavia , where dun was a common colour .
29 All three cities are multicultural and multiethnic , though this is hard to capture in the statistics and the mix varies from city to city .
30 Nevertheless , North did testify that Poindexter had supervised the November 1985 shipment of US arms to Iran , an important statement given that four of the five felony charges against the defendant arose from statements to Congress that he had not learnt of the shipment until January 1986 .
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