Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [been] make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is not to deny that the opportunity has been made available to question these developments or to call a halt to them .
2 The money had been made available ; that was not the problem .
3 The case has been made that neutralisation is potentially attractive only to relatively minor states that by virtue of their strategic position or symbolic political value have become or threaten to become the focal points of contests for control or dominant influence between principal regional or global rivals .
4 Seasonal conditions which inhibited or prevented travel on the roads have been made much of by historians , but the mushrooming growth in scheduled services after 1760 is testimony to a substantial improvement in this respect .
5 Turning off from the north-south highway some twelve miles north of the Makaa , the track leading to the cabin had been made first by loggers and then improved by a quarrying company some forty years ago .
6 The point is not , as sometimes supposed , that the sovereign had been made divisible .
7 None the less , given that sociology did award philosophy a juridical role in determining how sociology should conduct its business , the effect has been to make social research methods extremely sensitive to judgements about whether or not they conform to the appropriate methodological criteria .
8 This last the verderers thought the least likely course because the escape had been made nearer to the north of the depression than the south and it would therefore take a day longer to get round it on that side .
9 Some 1,100 of BCCI 's 1,260 staff in the UK were given redundancy notices ; 80 per cent of the bank 's 480 employees in the UAE had been made redundant on Oct. 2 .
10 To return to Lévi-Strauss , the point has been made that emotion need not be seen as obscure and incomprehensible , and that Freud 's importance is that he made a lasting contribution to explicating how the most obscure actions can be seen to make emotional sense .
11 Congenial or not , the truth had been made evident to her in the spread .
12 With the possibility of privatisation looming , the BTG has been making strenuous efforts to become an international organisation .
13 It had originally been intended to limit the survey to two areas , but additional funding to enlarge the sample has been made available by the DTI , with whom the results will be discussed in detail .
14 The problems have been made worse by the continuing recession and the extra cost of providing services in rural areas .
15 Its contents certainly merit much closer attention than on the whole has been made possible for the general public around Europe .
16 If a shipowner exercised due diligence to see that the vessel had been made seaworthy in all respects , the Harter Act exempted the shipowner from the consequences of errors in navigation and management .
17 According to an engineer 's report , the welds have been made brittle as a result of neutron bombardment .
18 By the time the coach arrived back at Oxford the day had been made remarkable and worthy of being talked about .
19 On Oct. 31 , 1989 , Pravda said that 3,000,000 of the workforce had been made unemployed since 1985 and that the total would reach 15-16,000,000 by 2005 .
20 The argument has been made that proportionality underlies decisions as diverse as those relating to the legitimacy of planning conditions or local transport policy , disciplinary actions or sex discrimination .
21 Inside the Iguanodon men of science were entertained to dinner ; this was possible because the beast had been made horizontal .
22 Agreed , the appointment had been made two months ago .
23 As a matter of authenticity , and given that the appointment had been made two months ago and that perhaps Mr Gajdusek might need a little reminder , she took the letter from its envelope while , his touch again tingling , again gentle , he smoothed some cream over her bruises .
24 The Coroner was irritated with the proceedings , and with the transparent fact that not all the information that was held by the men in the court-room had been made available to him .
25 So , rather like a Greek tragedy , the Royals have been made aware of hubris — an arrogance that invites disaster .
26 Confidence is particularly important during the development of inventions before they are granted patents because a patent will be refused if details of the invention have been made available to the public , as we shall see .
27 The confusion about the project has been made worse by the Government 's vacillation and indecision , and also by their lack of answers to my hon. Friends about where the finance for the project will come from .
28 In much of the writing on the dependent elderly , the assumption has been made that retirement has become more common at an earlier age because of a reduction in the demand for elderly workers .
29 In an effort to reduce overproduction of food , the suggestion has been made that land in lowland Britain be taken out of agricultural production and forested .
30 Er if there were to be an exceptions policy the suggestion has been made that certain districts perhaps could be identified er as being a suitable location .
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