Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was just a strange feeling and of course the inability to contact anyone in the Shill 's room .
2 The ‘ pure ’ entrepreneur observes the opportunity to sell something at a price higher than that at which he can buy it .
3 It seems a shame to waste the opportunity to see something of the country . ’
4 The stairway brought one to a first-floor lobby , a vast room of chandeliers and mahogany panelling and bentwood chairs with velvet cushions .
5 And as if Ontario was n't pretty enough of a picture , there are the galleries showing everything from the avant-garde to Old Masters .
6 The down-side is that the critic 's representation of the text has none of the authority that objectivity would lend to the analysis .
7 Such readings of the text lead one to the conclusion that patriarchal presuppositions are woven into the writing in such a way that they can not be extricated .
8 Initially , the plans said no-one with a disposable income of more than £42 per week would get advice and assistance .
9 Schellenberg said cautiously , ‘ So the Führer knows nothing of the affair ? ’
10 And even if the driver sees something on the line ahead of him , he usually can not stop in time .
11 It enables the scientist to say something about the internal experiences of others without the tedium of having to ask the subjects themselves .
12 He was too deeply into the part to see anything outside the stage .
13 An appeal against a committal order based upon a failure to serve the committal order on the contemnor presents somewhat of a paradox .
14 ‘ If the agent says something about a house it must be verified .
15 fully ordered preferences ( for any pair of possible outcomes , the agent prefers one to the other or ranks them equal ; and the sum of these pair-wise rankings is a consistent and complete ordering ) ;
16 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
17 The cars parked one behind the other in a row on the road that crossed the green from the Hall to the church .
18 The general appearance of the cars owed something to the American inter-urban , almost the only example of this type in Britain .
19 The dinner , Maxim decided , would be best remembered as ‘ nourishing ’ , and he went back to the ante-room to do something about the taste of it .
20 One leading UFF figure in the area last week referred to a gun attack on a house in Jamaica Street in the Ardoyne area on St. Patrick 's night and said it was the intention to kill anyone in the house .
21 Half the people in the study received nothing from a formal agency and the authors conclude that the Social Fund ‘ is largely irrelevant to most real-life situations within which the poorest people find themselves ’ .
22 This is because the crime of indecent assault requires the defendant to do something to the victim .
23 He is a double winner of the rally but that was some time ago and since then McKinstry has made the place very much is own , his sequence of victories punctuated only by the years in which he did not have a competitive car or the opposition included someone of the calibre of Mikael Sundstrom .
24 But the stroke made none of the impact she was expecting .
25 The lawyer said nothing for a minute .
26 At first the books came one at a time .
27 The organizer taps someone on the head and that child has to tiptoe round the circle while ‘ Sleeping Beauty ’ tries to point to the person .
28 Finally , the rule says nothing about the order in which hypotheses are to be pursued .
29 For a day and a night the feasting on the horse filled everyone in the enclave with a dreadful exultation , but gradually it died down as the garrison came to realize that one horse was hardly enough to stay their hunger for more than a few hours .
30 Rather than ‘ structuring tasks for collaboration ’ , it was more a process of ‘ structuring a learning environment for collaboration ’ , with each of the elements contributing something to the whole and therefore needing to be understood in relation to the whole .
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