Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 The interpretation put forward here is not fundamentally different from that offered by Jaynes when he suggested that a tendency to emit ( a fractional version of ) the response acquired in the first stage would serve as a mediating process in the second , and that the salience of the mediator would depend on the magnitude of the initial response of which it was a fraction .
2 Many of the latter are the forms mentioned in the first paragraph of this section as running parallel to the coast .
3 Production and shipment has already begun , and the contracts extend through the first quarter of 1994 .
4 Theory 3 — That the West had been too lax in the post-war years and had blind faith in the hope that the unity achieved after the first World War would be re-kindled .
5 Here is the chance to see the direction alternating for the first time .
6 After all , our licence fee got the programmes made in the first place
7 The first section examines the institutions established during the first half-century of British rule .
8 In general , the patterns established in the First Temple Period were maintained .
9 Or was that where all the money went in the first place ?
10 If a home does not meet the minimum standard , the owner will be able to claim back all the money spent within the first year after purchase on raising it to that level , through , for example , home insulation , up to the amount of stamp duty they paid when they bought the property ( up to the maximum of £1000 ) .
11 As I have described , she had consulted me many years back over a libel matter which I had discouraged her — unsuccessfully — from pursuing , with calamitous financial results ; but I was able to give her a little assistance in another matter which to some small extent repaired the damage arising from the first disaster .
12 But it hardly looked a bet as the Reds struggled in the first half in face of fluent football , much of which was inspired by Chelsea player manager Glenn Hoddle .
13 The council later abandoned its plans to widen the highway and the reversion passed to the first defendants , who were not a highway authority .
14 Only later , on the negative or the print , would the photographer notice for the first time , say , a sundial on a distant lawn .
15 This week The Economist appears for the first time in its own new type-face — known as Ecotype .
16 Moreover , the contract compared with the first operation some three years ago was most significant .
17 There is no record of where the papingo was placed for the contests held during the first century of the Kilwinning Society of Archers .
18 The projects deriving from the first phase of the research programme cover topics like small firms , unemployment , career education in , and further education beyond , school , the agricultural sector in the economy , housing and the labour market .
19 Participants will review the proposals outlined during the first such consultation , held in Buenos Aires in July 1990 , and discuss ways of putting them into practice .
20 The aims of the research are : to undertake a wide-ranging review of the priority assessment techniques applied by local authorities to transport projects ; to apply a representative sample of the techniques to a common set of projects ; and to distill the experience gained through the first two stages , together with knowledge of recent developments in the theory and practice of multiple criteria analysis into a computer-based priority assessment package .
21 For example , one of the skills developed in the first few years of life involves the integration of data arriving through the different sensory channels .
22 ‘ One ’ was a word of the Chelsea set for the first person singular , and one might perhaps venture the thought of a pun in the words of the inscription .
23 The male looks after the first and the female the second .
24 The Russian spoke for the first time .
25 So I think if you 've got the creativity to write in the first place , you just need to change , not so much the instrument , but maybe change the tuning or the pitch .
26 We will investigate the ways in which the NMGC has adjusted to the shifts analysed in the first part of the research , in respect to relations with central government and other agencies as well as in its professional practice management .
27 A second legal mortgage can be created by leasing the land to the second mortgagee for a term longer by at least one day than the term limited to the first mortgagee .
28 In at least two of the areas I visited the regional health authority and some of the first wave fundholders were wrangling over the savings accrued during the first year .
29 The candidates eliminated in the first round were Heide Schmidt , 43 , of the Freedom Party of Austria ( FPÖ ) , and Robert Jungk , 78 , the Green Alternative candidate .
30 The land was sold to the second to fourth defendants on 21 July 1988 , and by order dated 16 December 1988 they were added as defendants and the action stayed against the first defendants .
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