Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The pros play in the par-three for fun , to give something back to their public in return for the millions of dollars they earn from golf .
2 The door was open and she stood just outside the aperture taking in the five men .
3 The unity witnessed over the two days had been greater than he could ever have hoped for , and the remaining morning 's session of ‘ rounding up ’ would , he trusted , be rich in commitments on the part of participants concerning action each would be taking before the important international conference in Switzerland .
4 But Mr Fallon has replied , saying he was ‘ puzzled ’ at her request that the Government matched the funding given by the Two Castles Housing Association .
5 Nevertheless , the variety provided by the five levels makes this a good investment if you can stand the frustration of repeating earlier levels , time after time .
6 The ‘ ship ’ is therefore dwarfed by the size of the ocean which is post-school education and training ; moreover it is an ocean which over the last ten or so years has been in unprecedented turmoil culminating in the hurricane represented by the 1988 Education Reform Act .
7 By 1824 she had lost all her American empire except for Cuba and Puerto Rico , while in metropolitan Spain the struggle waged in the thirties between constitutionalists and traditionalists was to reduce the core of the monarchy to bankruptcy and near anarchy .
8 The permission given by the 1969 Act for no-fault divorce was driven as much by a profound rethinking of the sources of morality by clerical and academic opinion as by the determined pursuit of individual self-interest on the part of either the population at large or lawyers in particular .
9 In 1973 the tide turned with a 5-to-4 majority ruling by the Supreme Court in Miller v California that obscenity , as narrowly defined , was not protected by the First Amendment , and that each state could set its own standard : ‘ People in different States vary in their tastes and attitudes , and this diversity is not to be strangled by the absolutism of imposed uniformity . ’
10 Overall the patterns established by the 1946 land reform have been remarkably enduring .
11 Members of the parliament demanded in a 135-34 vote that Mr Yeltsin appear at the Congress tomorrow , when they may vote to remove him from office for declaring emergency rule and calling an April referendum .
12 The new " democratic " government has pledged billions of crowns to put right the damage caused by a 40 year industrial race with the West .
13 Editors invented elaborate textual corruptions to explain this , claiming for instance that Shakespeare had written two different versions of Brutus 's reactions and that the text used for the 1623 Folio ( where the play first appeared ) had mistakenly copied them both .
14 The clones were multiplied in the glasshouse and then transplanted back into patches of the field dominated by the four grass species .
15 The settlement unravels the contract signed between the two in 1990 on joint development of OS/2 .
16 If the taxpayer whilst not resident and not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom disposes of the UK shares and buys s6(2) gilts , the assets will be regarded as excluded property and not subject to IHT even if the taxpayer dies within the three year deemed domicile period .
17 In this process , battles did little to help either side achieve its military aim , and were not to be an important part of the strategies pursued by the two main protagonists in the Hundred Years War .
18 Arber et al argue that some important issues have been clouded by a failure in the literature to distinguish between the two different types of household structure : old living with old , and younger living with old .
19 Your country 's leaders have proposed a new security system which would supersede Nato and the Warsaw Pact and use the framework created by the 1975 Helsinki Act .
20 A similar haze lies over the woods used for the two different models .
21 The times suggested throughout the 30 day programme are minimum times that you should walk each day .
22 Comparison of the times taken for the three exercises and discussion of the accuracies found will generate further insights into the subject of communication .
23 Many of the cases included in the two reports are now on the road to recovery .
24 These procedures for the validation of consortia will be reviewed in the light of the experience gained during the 1989 pilot phase .
25 So Dr Losberne went down to the kitchen to talk to the three servants who had surprised Sikes and Oliver during the robbery .
26 Thalidomide , the drug prescribed in the Fifties for morning sickness , is the most infamous example .
27 The differential amplifiers used in EEG machines use the difference between the voltages offered by the two inputs , which is normally less than 200 microvolts ( millionths of a volt ) , and amplify this difference up to a voltage sufficient to drive the galvanometer pens — perhaps 0–5 volts .
28 unc The numerator carried into the tenths column leaves a remainder which is carried into the hundredths column .
29 The settlement turned on the Four Points of 1854 .
30 The recession deepened as the 1870s proceeded , and by 1879 Skerne Iron Works had called in the liquidator .
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