Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was just a strange feeling and of course the inability to contact anyone in the Shill 's room .
2 to do and we 're going to have the opportunity to do it in a slightly interesting way and you failed miserably because you sat and chatted and did n't get any work done .
3 You will receive a copy of the report and have the opportunity to discuss it in an interview .
4 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
5 It 's about six feet in height and just about shoulder width , er it 's coloured black and it has a bullet proof glass window of about six inches by four inches which enables the er officer behind the shield to manoeuvre it in the correct position .
6 This word universal is never the name of anything existent in nature , nor of any idea or phantasm found in the mind [ my italics ] , but always the name of some word or name ; so that when a living creature , a stone , a spirit , or any other thing , is said to be universal , it is not to be understood that any man , stone etc. , ever was or can be universal , but only that the words , living creature , stone , etc. , are universal names , that is , names common to many things ; and the conceptions answering them in the mind are the images and phantasms of several living creatures or other things .
7 We see the struggle asserting itself in the preface to his poem ‘ The Glass Dog ’ ( Flowers for Hitler ) :
8 Occasionally I would join Robins on the bridge ; at other times , when all was going well , he would come into the saloon to join me in a drink served by a Cockney steward called Tomkins ; the choice was limited , but I did n't drink much anyway .
9 The vet left them in the staff room while they tried to discuss Lizzie 's future .
10 Nieto was walking alongside the touchline when a ball kicked from within the field hit him in the face , breaking his glasses .
11 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
12 The Economist interviewed him in a chintzy suite at Claridge 's .
13 As The Economist put it in a wide ranging analysis : ‘ European business needs more competition , not less ’ .
14 The decision to install it in the museum 's new Henry Cole Wing in 1989 led to its restoration and trip to Japan for the Wright exhibition in 1990 .
15 The decision puts us in a very difficult position .
16 Stories which Richard Burton brought out again and again because he was proud to celebrate his past and would not let any bounty or glamour of the present put it in the shade .
17 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
18 I rose hurriedly and stumbled towards the door but the redolence followed me in a wave .
19 The DoE tell me in a letter that they are free from indemnity .
20 As I followed her up the pathway , every inch of her breathed that she was being a good girl , and as the driver settled her in the front seat beside him she gave him a happy smile ; almost , one felt — seeing the hat-boxes and cases piled up behind them — they might have been starting out on their honeymoon .
21 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
22 He did n't want to run into Ballater again ; his wish to purchase the cottage put him in the enemy camp and threatened his peace .
23 When Thomas tried to grab the child away , the lash caught him in the eye .
24 The stranger kept her in a sound vacuum , through which no fascinating rhythm could penetrate .
25 The Buid resent the use of the term and the attempt to place them in the moral as well as material debt of the lowlanders .
26 The Sheikha settled herself in the dressing room , determined not to be too far away from her son at any time .
27 One leading UFF figure in the area last week referred to a gun attack on a house in Jamaica Street in the Ardoyne area on St. Patrick 's night and said it was the intention to kill anyone in the house .
28 The President feels himself in a state of siege .
29 The handlebar caught him in the groin .
30 As he raised his binoculars to scan the coast , the wind struck him in the face .
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