Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The coin looked as if the minter struck it on a single die , punching the image in the metal in repoussé , so hard that the inverted ear on the reverse would appear on the other side , and could be read the right way round in shallow relief when the coin was turned over .
2 The ‘ pure ’ entrepreneur observes the opportunity to sell something at a price higher than that at which he can buy it .
3 to do and we 're going to have the opportunity to do it in a slightly interesting way and you failed miserably because you sat and chatted and did n't get any work done .
4 They also included the operation of ‘ stand down , ’ by which the airline retained scarce skills by allowing people to work elsewhere on part pay but having the opportunity to recall them at a month 's notice .
5 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
6 Grateful to be spared the unsettling power of that dark gaze , Ronni took the opportunity to study him for a moment .
7 to give children the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of approaches including descriptive , imaginative and creative poetry and prose .
8 In his ecstasy , the worshipper saw himself as a satyr and " as a satyr , in turn , he saw his god " .
9 The stairway brought one to a first-floor lobby , a vast room of chandeliers and mahogany panelling and bentwood chairs with velvet cushions .
10 The two owners were aged 84 and 71 and , after the chewing incident , the RSPCA swapped it for a smaller dog .
11 The unremitting four-mile ascent to the high pass over the ridge reduced me to a walking wet rag ; I was literally soaked to the skin and could feel rivulets chasing each other down my bosom .
12 The trial unmasked him as a complete charlatan and , in the words of one detective , ‘ as close to being the perfect rapist as you could get ’ .
13 The exclamation escaped her as a startled squeak .
14 Occasionally I would join Robins on the bridge ; at other times , when all was going well , he would come into the saloon to join me in a drink served by a Cockney steward called Tomkins ; the choice was limited , but I did n't drink much anyway .
15 When the whole structure is still , as it were , in two parts we have a noun phrase such that there is no reason to suppose that it has the property of the adjective ; when the structure is united we find first , that the property of the adjective does apply to the noun phrase , and , second , that the verb tells us of a temporal change .
16 Inside , the heart repeats itself like a sleepy gong ,
17 The south-west was far enough from the established centres of power for those who felt excluded from the throne to use it as a launching pad for rebellion .
18 On the day before de Macon sailed on his second voyage , the Ralembergs invited me to a formal supper .
19 The smell excited her like a pheromone , even now , three years after she had walked out on all that madness .
20 But the resistance buries them beneath a cross . ’
21 Why in such a case should the courts blind themselves to a clear indication of what Parliament intended in using those words ?
22 The courts treat it as a question of fact and take an ad hoc approach .
23 In the course of dealing with those who demanded excessively high wages or who broke their contracts , the courts provided us with a great deal of evidence about wage rates , and continuity and frequency of employment .
24 In addition , the victor sees it as a sign of capitulation by his opponent .
25 Before we move on , let's just have a look at those numerical estimates , can we look at the coefficients on income , notice that in this model because we 've logged both dependent and the independent variables , right , the coefficients that we estimate are elasticities , right , so we can read those coefficients off directly as elasticities and that 's the case for any model in which all the variables are logged right , in er , if we did n't log the data , in order to calculate the elasticity we have to multiply a coefficient the computer gives us by a erm price quantity ratio , price less , less part of the income constant ratio to obtain the income elasticities .
26 The Economist interviewed him in a chintzy suite at Claridge 's .
27 As The Economist put it in a wide ranging analysis : ‘ European business needs more competition , not less ’ .
28 The minutes of the SGM held on the 4th May 1990 were read and it was agreed that the chairman sign them as a true record .
29 Initially , the plans said no-one with a disposable income of more than £42 per week would get advice and assistance .
30 The decision puts us in a very difficult position .
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