Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the people you saw with false teeth had masturbated when young , it was a well-known fact , only there was a conspiracy between dentists and what Lewis called the vitamin-C lobby to keep it secret .
2 I doubt she has the technical skill to keep me static for very long , but she certainly has acquired just enough understanding of particle physics and the footnotes to the hard-to-find tenth-century Babylonian edition of The Sword of Moses to slow me down just long enough to cramp my style .
3 Now they 've got the bloody nerve to charge us half when we live there I do n't think she 'd dare say anything to me about it .
4 she only had the bloody cheek to charge us last year for a turkey wrong , but I mean I did get that sorted out afterwards .
5 Those are all steps in the right direction to make us more competitive ; and if we are more competitive , we can obviously sell more of our goods .
6 The main problem , at least on the first night , was that too much of the dialogue was overplayed — Lochhead recognises that you do n't need to soup up the Scots speech to make it funny , or poignant or significant : it 's all already there in the words , but if they 're spoken too self-consciously they end up sounding like rather forced one-liners .
7 ‘ It was Alethea who took the brave decision to end it all , ’ a close friend said .
8 ‘ It was Alethea who took the brave decision to end it all , ’ said a close friend .
9 ‘ It was Alethea who took the brave decision to end it all , ’ a close friend said .
10 Use the runny kind of honey or mix some water with the stiffer kind to make it runny .
11 We will divide our people — some to the Rorim and the Circle , and some to the outer wall to give us advance warning . ’
12 The crucial thing to make it last a reasonable amount of time is to use the length of your premises to the best advantage and have them going to one end and then back , otherwise they may finish surprisingly quickly .
13 A play really demands to be read aloud -it needs the sound of the human voice to bring it alive .
14 A local , standing nearby , eventually intervened , saying : ‘ Now gentlemen , if only you had the good sense to ask me first .
15 Sunderland refound the winning habit to beat them 2–0 with goals from Steve Maxwell and Eric Mathers .
16 But he wants to become the first man to do it all the way across .
17 The authors have obviously taken note of the thousands of users of the first release to bring you this wonderful educational program .
18 ‘ My dear , since we first came to this terrible place you are the only person to show me true consideration . ’
19 J. Smart of Powys lived up to his name , and was the only entrant to get it right .
20 Is that not the only way to make it clear to the IRA that there can be no question of the United Kingdom 's abandoning the Province ?
21 He wanted a different show and the only way to make it different was to leave out stuff because there was n't anything to add .
22 It took a year for the Red Army to prize them loose .
23 Essentially the case involved a youth leader of the Red Cross , who admitted joining the Red Cross to bring him closer to young girls , whom he had been abusing for thirty years .
24 His young master brought him in repeatedly and I went through the motions , trying at the same time to make it clear that it was all hopeless .
25 It 's much easier for the young helper to do it all for you .
26 ‘ Watch your tongue , Forest — I 've sufficient information against you and the other rogue to hang you both twenty times over .
27 A return to the formal table manners of Victorian times may be the best way to stop us all eating in a hurry .
28 The best way to help them all is Labour 's way — by increasing child benefit to £9.95 for every child , to reflect 1987 value .
29 Your local ABTA travel agents are the HCI experts and in the best position to give you unbiased advice .
30 The best thing to bring it all out , would be to write in my own African language , but I have to write in another language .
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