Example sentences of "the [adj] [adv] as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Problems of access and transport remained until the 1750s much as they had for centuries , the roads miry and troublesome in winter , the tidal river valleys well-nigh impassable .
2 The scene , without the players , is the same today as you enter the low walled garden with its four pleasing square summer-houses at the corners and its grand sweeping steps leading up Swangrove is its exotic and inimitable rendering of the local Cotswold style .
3 The man did the same again as he turned the paper , revealing to Mungo the front page with its lurid headline : ‘ BIRD 'S HEAD CLUE TO GIRL 'S DEATH .
4 It was strange , she thought , that her physical response to shock should be the same now as it had been after Hugo was killed , so that to her present grief was added a grief for him as keen , as new as when she had first heard that he was dead .
5 FO Basically I do exactly the same now as I did then .
6 There you are , the two together as we have them again .
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