Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ice is the greatest worry that a pool owner has during winter months , for not only does it trap noxious gases which are likely to suffocate the fish , but it also exerts tremendous pressure upon the pool structure and can crack the most expertly laid concrete .
2 In the spring of 1932 the British announced that a flotilla of three destroyers was to grace the city with a visit .
3 The Poles reluctantly asked the British to cancel the visit but the British insisted that the visit should go ahead as planned .
4 The British hoped that the Turks would restore order and break the nationalist movement ; the French were more ready to come to terms with its leaders .
5 The British argued that the Soviets should be given no reason to think that an East–West war could be confined to Central and Western Europe .
6 That comes after growing Irish annoyance at the continued failure of the British to ensure that the RUC accompanies the UDR on all its operations .
7 He explained that the British envisaged that the union , having at its apex the European Council consisting of heads of government , would have beneath it distinct pillars of co-operation , with the Treaty of Rome and intergovernmental pillars representing respectively foreign and security policy co-operation and actions against drugs and terrorism overseen by interior and justice ministers .
8 In return for this co-operation the French asked that the child queen should be affianced not to Edward VI but to the Dauphin of France , and that she should be brought up there .
9 The French replied that the devastation and terrorism that continued was not all the fault of ‘ dissident ’ nationalist Vietnamese or bandits and although it might not have the status of an ‘ official ’ armed struggle the results were indistinguishable .
10 Only the Maronites felt able to drink from the cup of French tutelage and even they quickly found that the chalice contained a special , colonial poison , the effects of which would be passed on to future generations ; for by adding such large areas of Muslim Syria to the new ‘ Lebanon ’ , the French ensured that the Christians ' precarious status as the largest religious community would — once the Muslim birthrate increased — be lost .
11 Darwin was one of the few to speculate that the law of succession of types was best explained in terms of the constraints placed upon evolution by the major geographical barriers defining the continents .
12 None of the Six believed that the OEEC provided a meaningful alternative to the proposals discussed at Messina .
13 Many doctors specializing in the care of the dying consider that the state of modern medicine makes even the need to consider the notion of euthanasia , whether at the request of the patient or otherwise , as an option quite unnecessary , quite apart from its moral repugnance .
14 In the 1930s , when the Japanese perceived that the Americans , British , Chinese and Dutch , were threatening their supplies of oil and raw materials they coined the term ‘ ABCD encirclement ’ , and used it eventually as an excuse to start the Pacific War .
15 The Japanese recognise that the whales in the oceans are not a limitless resource , and that these animals need time to breed and mature .
16 Did the accused intend that the period of his keeping the machinery would be so long as to amount to an outright taking ?
17 In Robinson [ 1977 ] Crim LR 173 ( CA ) , the accused demanded that the victim repay a debt owed by the victim 's wife to him .
18 The accused contended that the vouchers were worthless because their essential character had been destroyed .
19 The court held that the accused represented that the bank owed him the money and that he was entitled to withdraw it .
20 The burden of proof is shifted on to the defendant and although the prosecution does not need to prove that the accused intended that the impression be false and misleading , the defendant may need to establish that he reasonably believed that it would not be so .
21 It lay only about six miles west of Châtellerault and documents from the 1130s indicate that the castellan of Clairvaux at that time was a vassal of the Viscount of Châtellerault .
22 Nobody wanted to push the struggle any further ; nobody in the 1740s imagined that a fight to the death was at hand .
23 The icons to the left indicate that a slide is a chart or an organisation diagram .
24 In October of that year the executive committee of the International recommended that the PCF adopt a " class against class " political strategy .
25 Iraq 's expansion of the port of Umm Qasr and the development of the Rumalla oil field during the 1970s meant that a settlement of the dispute became a prime Iraqi objective .
26 The fall in the birth rate in the 1970s means that the number of people entering the labour market today is falling .
27 The 70% restoration grant from English Heritage in the 1970s means that the house is currently in good structural condition .
28 Butler 's examination of this policy from 1952 to the 1970s shows that the differences between the average list size of the four different areas have declined , but only slightly over the years and with a number of upward and downward fluctuations .
29 Research during the 1970s showed that the concentration of service employment in southern Britain was related to the increasing dominance in the economy of large multi-site companies with their head office , administration and associated satellite suppliers near London .
30 The latter demanded that the strike be called off to avoid even worse news .
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