Example sentences of "out and [noun prp] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 On her way past him , Dermot stuck a foot out and Ellie fell to the floor .
2 cos he 's throwing a wobbly at the cot , he 's thrown all his dummies out and Stacey comes out the door , I just wanted to leave him cos he 's just , before he was ready and that
3 Elizabeth , poor Elizabeth ran into the sunlight and he stopped the car and he got out and Elizabeth ran towards the car until she saw the girl .
4 Although the promise of a ‘ land fit for heroes to live in ’ secured a victory for Lloyd George and his coalition government in 1918 , it was soon to find its promises increasingly hard to fulfil as the post-war boom petered out and Britain moved into the years of the Slump .
5 He walked out and Jenna relaxed against the pillows .
6 He walked out and Jenna looked at the closed door .
7 He went out and Devlin stepped through the bead curtain at the back of the bar .
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