Example sentences of "out and [verb] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These would subsequently be tried out and evaluated in the classroom , the teacher having been given a set of possible procedures for doing this .
2 Karen rinsed her mouth out and spat in the sink .
3 A major rationalisation exercise was carried out and resulted in the creation of a single Head Office at Nailsea which now undertakes all the accounting and administration for Wimpey Hobbs , Wimpey Asphalt and the Overseas Contracting activities .
4 Can I ask you though if you are gon na sneak out and smoke in the conservatory er not in that passageway along there , cos the smoke detectors
5 Ice crystallizes out and accumulates in a surface layer which thickens and consolidates ; on calm nights with air temperatures well below freezing point a layer 20 cm deep may form overnight and be firm enough to take the weight of a man by morning .
6 I was waiting for him to say he went out and rolled in the snow because that 's the proper end is n't it ?
7 Other prisoners said that in Keraterm — a notorious PoW camp which they dubbed Auschwitz — prisoners were crippled by having the ligaments in a knee cut out and tied in a knot so they could not return to the fighting .
8 ‘ It 's A Game ’ , ‘ Money Honey ’ , ‘ Shang A Lang ’ and , um , a lot of padding from the Rollers ' post ‘ 77 career after they 'd been shot down in flames , plucked , shucked , gutted , roasted , eaten , shat out and buggered in the back of the neck and then locked in the attic with Mad Auntie Maude from Nottingham for two weeks by the ultimate manufactured band , the Sex Pistols .
9 You 've got ta do your , you know , go out and sit in the county court and wait for something exciting to happen
10 None of the studies presents an operative model ( Rosener , in our opinion , comes closest , but her model , as she shows herself , is more heuristic than empirical ) , and so in the next section a model will be set out and explained in the light of the evaluation criteria for participation and effectiveness put forward in the first two sections of this paper .
11 Maybe someone bold enough to improvise like that would even take the risk of getting himself really knocked out and dropped in the water , knowing I could n't fail to find him in a few minutes . ’
12 I went out and found in the court two corpses interlocked ; they were the bodies of the two young men who had before been with me in the room ...
13 So , worn out and aching in every limb , she had her first bath in the marvellous bathroom , and retired to her own bed .
14 Lift out and place in the rinse sink ( Repeat the wash cycle for each item ) .
15 I 'm gon na stop you from going out and playing in the muck !
16 We went out and stood in the bailey , taking advantage of the bothies and the huddled tenements built against the castle wall which provided shadows deep enough to hide Satan 's Army .
17 Dane did n't own the fields ; there was no real reason why she should n't go out and play in the snow , too .
18 of light and dark , measured out and wasted in a sieve .
19 Whereas the speaker knows that any words which pass his lips will be heard by his interlocutor and , if they are not what he intends , he will have to undertake active , public ‘ repair ’ , the writer can cross out and rewrite in the privacy of his study .
20 Here the solution is to set a long net around the thicket so that it is totally surrounded and enclosed , in the hope that the rabbits can be bolted out and entangled in the net .
21 The two hedgers and ditchers were flat out and snoring in the corner pew .
22 Presently the church doors re-opened , the coffins were borne out and put in the hearse .
23 At any particular moment the books might not appear to balance ( for example electrical energy input could be stored to be released as heat later , or energy taken up while forcing the deuterium into the palladium may be returned later U the deuterium leaks out and recombines in the atmosphere ) , so the relevant question was whether there was a net excess output of energy over a long period of time .
24 nothing stops that race but the weather has put paid today to Gloucestershire 's big game … their match against Australia was washed out and abandoned in a draw … but the water has done us some good turns
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