Example sentences of "out of the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 They had doubled back and got out of the single-leaf door of the car .
2 The firm , System 6 , apparently got a lot of the work done by an engineering contingent fresh out of the Russian Academy of Science .
3 In the event , only a smaller group of about 100 delegates led by Armando Cossutta walked out of the final session of the congress , with the declared intention of continuing the Italian communist tradition elsewhere .
4 COLIN STURGESS , Britain 's world pursuit champion , has pulled out of the final round of the McEwan 's LA professional series in Manchester on Sunday because of tendinitis .
5 They stared at the flat blade of rock jutting out of the turf-clad flank of the hill .
6 While their fingers flew in and out of the earthy heap of beans Rose and Victorine talked .
7 As Daphne said this there flashed into Cecilia 's mind that conversation with Tina , that terrible thing Tina had said , and another thought , one that seemed to swim up out of the deep waters of her unconscious , the idea that she , Cecilia Darne , yes , she , had once long ago met the right girl , and here was that right girl talking to her now of something , oh , so akin to what Tina meant …
8 Eventually she would climb out of the deep pit of the subconscious , exhausted .
9 But when she saw what he was taking out of the inside pocket of the overcoat , she felt faint with fright .
10 Out of the rooted strength of being ready
11 Gradually I get out of the unscientific habit of trying to read other people 's faces , and come to see the bodies from which personality has faded as the automata which for scientific explanation they already are .
12 The Appropriation Act , normally in July , authorizes the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of monies sought in the main estimates and summer supplementaries .
13 The winter Consolidated Fund Act authorizes the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of the total sun required by the winter supplementaries for the current year and for the vote on account for the following year .
14 Lambert saw his German change from profile to head-on-view : a black , kite-like pattern edged with gold , dropping out of the pure purple of the dusk .
15 The whole afternoon was spent meandering in and out of the welcoming homes of Miss Kerr 's ageing contemporaries .
16 To tell my story : because I was very conscious that out of the static situation of the servant being the one who was menacing the Judge I had to make an ongoing story .
17 In the later 1650s , for example , Oliver Cromwell came to see himself as a second Moses who , having led his people out of the Egyptian slavery of Laudianism and through the Red Sea of civil war , was now struggling to bring them towards the Promised Land .
18 A passenger looking out of the right-hand window of the carriage after the train for Bishop 's Castle had clattered over the pointwork away from the Shrewsbury and Hereford joint line , to curve westwards into the Onny valley , would have seen a small timber platform marking the site of a temporary station that became a permanent feature .
19 No need , or less need , to plan more of a book which is to be written out of the right-hand side of your brain , out of intuition .
20 Out of the substantial number of TV production companies available , some can be found who specialize in any of a number of areas , either of product type or of technique .
21 For almost the whole of the period under review , the prevalent and strongly held belief was that Britain , in common with other major economies , had climbed out of the economic slough of the interwar years and was set on a broad and permanent path of rising prosperity and full employment .
22 In addition shipping into and out of the Jordanian port of Aqaba was seriously disrupted and remittance and aid income from both Iraq and Kuwait halted .
23 What of Juhel of Dol and his careful and simian plotting to keep his suffragans out of the grasping fingers of Tours ?
24 A provision for division of profits after the firm 's annual accounts have been approved ( see below ) but with provision for appropriate amounts on account of anticipated liability to income tax to be withheld out of the undrawn balance of each partner 's share at the year 's end ( Clause 10.02 ) and for repayment of excessive drawings ( Clause 10.03 ) .
25 The third term represents the effects of random chance , both via ‘ unintended ’ bequests ( in an imperfect annuity market ) and via saving out of the uncertain element of lifetime income .
26 Civil law judicial systems tend to have a much more straightforward evidential system , arising out of the inquisitorial nature of such systems .
27 For example with r = 1.5 , n = 0.5 ( with a generation of 30 years ) , this means that ( or a saving rate out of the present value of income of 36 per cent ) .
28 The CS have walked out of the annual conference of the CDF , he reads .
29 The teacher expressed concern that , although he could write quite well in English , he only did so when writing collaboratively with his friend ( who was absent ) ; she thought that collaboration might be becoming an avoidance strategy , to get out of the frustrating task of attempting to write in English .
30 Where they become problematic , especially for members of marginalized cultural groups , is in what they begin to mean if we take them out of the pristine hot-house of the academy and put them into the messy struggles of day-to-day life .
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