Example sentences of "out [prep] [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Often it is transported out of the upland valleys and spread out as fans at the upland edges .
2 Hundreds of eyes gazed dismally out of windows at the rivers gurgling along the gutters , scores of small noses flattened their ends against the dry sides of windowpanes down the other surface of which streamed rivulets of water .
3 One of the best was made out of lectures at the École du Louvre by the French historian Salomon Reinach , first published in English in 1904 ( with 600 illustrations ) .
4 This ability of DNA to cut and splice , to jump in and out of chromosomes at the drop of a hat , is one of the more exciting facts that have come to light since the first edition of this book was published .
5 Four former workers are awaiting trial at Dundee Sheriff Court on charges of breach of the peace arising out of incidents at the factory gates .
6 Lynne was out with friends at the time .
7 Samples of their work were laid out on trestle-tables at the side .
8 Nails took such a proposition in his stride , unworried ; Jazz , although slightly apprehensive , was keen because swimming was the discipline he most enjoyed and was making the best progress in ; only Hoomey 's eyes came out on stalks at the presumption .
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