Example sentences of "one [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the saddest things that old people find is the gradual dropping away of people who come to visit them .
2 That illusion was quickly dispersed , however — largely as a result of a walk down one of the crooked alleys that mark Brighton from most other seaside towns .
3 When she returned from one of the innumerable meetings and one of her daughters asked who had been present , her usual reply would be , ‘ Oh , the Great and the Good .
4 Other issues on which morals can be drawn are whether dreams are forewarnings of events to come , and the image of woman as man 's confusion : the latter point , though , the Nun 's Priest himself refuses to present seriously : The burlesque treatment of matters of moral seriousness in the Nun 's Priest 's Tale reaches its climax in the middle of the tale , with a reference to one of the crucial dilemmas or mysteries for Christian philosophers : that of reconciling human free will with the necessary truth of God 's Providence .
5 Michele secured the motor-boat to one of the mooring rings and handed her out .
6 It flirted three teasing words , no more in a book review in one of the posh papers and before it could be embraced , was gone .
7 The vacancy was filled first by the Rev. H. Cottam , Rector of St. Mary 's , Crumpsall , who knew the school well , having been one of the Annual Examiners and having stood in during a previous illness , of Hamilton 's in 1875 .
8 For the background of this design I found a rough raw silk which I felt looked much better than the more conventional old linen , but one could always choose one of the linen-covered mountboards that are available in similar colourings , or even hessian or plain linen .
9 Thijs Lijbregts , who took over from Rinus Michels after Holland won the European Championship , has the additional pressure of managing one of the fancied teams while his best player , Ruud Gullit , is struggling to recover from a knee injury that has so far necessitated four operations and is threatening his career .
10 Her mother was being treated for shock by one of the junior physicians and the husband was creating hell .
11 Across the dining-room I saw Humber whisper something to one of the junior sisters and that sister nod in reply .
12 I climbed up through one of the thirteen gates and clambered over the piles of collapsed masonry blocking the way to the top of the citadel .
13 I descended the stairs half-naked to one of the yelling bedrooms and announced that I would have to leave .
14 Prepare one of the following fillings and place half of it in a sausage shape down one edge of the pastry .
15 YOUR ACCOMMODATION — prices are calculated for one of the following arrangements and this is indicated at the foot of each Club description .
16 They had all disappeared except for one of the bigger branches that bent and pointed a little his way and seemed now to come and go before his very eyes as drifting mist obscured it .
17 Well one of the , you see , one of the strange things that happened at that time , traditionally engineers , and I think I said this in my previous statements to you , for example in where there was no bonus ever adhered to , er our members looked at their , the daily production er er routine , that any interference as far as time was concerned , by the management you know , would be an intrusion on their sacrificial rites , and therefore it was n't tolerated .
18 This view of a quantum theory of gravity would be much more satisfactory , however , if one could show that , using the sum over histories , our universe is not just one of the possible histories but one of the most probable ones .
19 We saw , we saw one or two others that were involved , that were involved in it , and er I were talking to the , one of the young producers that were there and er and I said if you 're short of some ac actors I said me and my mate will be actors you know , oh she said you 're dressed just right I 'll tell ya
20 For a few minutes she indulged in a fantasy where she was one of the young mothers and the child by her side was Roman 's .
21 Without taking his eyes from her , he reached out and removed a plate of lasagne laced with walnuts and apples from one of the young men and slid his fork into the food .
22 She saw a black labrador paddle out of one of the breakwater pools and shake itself , in a flurry of spray .
23 One of the detrimental effects that Professor Taylor has observed is that managers can no longer find the time to go on external training courses .
24 There was an open roll-top desk facing one of the wide windows and , to its right , a stable door , the top half open , gave a view of the paved courtyard .
25 I hope that , before 10 o'clock , my hon. Friends on the Front Bench will be able to assure me specifically that what my hon. Friend the Minister of State said in his letter to Dr. Morris would allow local education authorities , if approached by parents or friends of the school , to go into the school to deal with any one of the specific points that I have raised .
26 And this I I find is one of the helpful things and when you get together not during the actual talking the actual session but er .
27 The children were divided into two groups for the test phase in which they received successive discrimination training , learning to press one button in response to one of the pre-trained cues and a second button in response to another .
28 An alternative and , in some ways , simpler procedure is to establish some new response to one of the pre-trained stimuli and then , in a separate test phase , to present the other pre-trained stimuli .
29 While there he received one of the fateful telegrams that were to dot the history of the underground : ‘ Phone Hoppy ’ it said .
30 He lifted one of the plump feet and let it drop again to show us how lifeless it was .
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