Example sentences of "one [prep] [art] many [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the many reports that would be written .
2 You know , that 's one of the many differences since Gill and I have been together : I start seeing things I never would have noticed before .
3 One of the many tank-traps that lie ahead : senility 's revenge .
4 Maternal diet is only one of the many factors that can lead to fetal growth retardation .
5 ‘ Chris , that 's just one of the many strokes that Martinez has pulled in his time ; and he still goes laughing on his way to the bank with his twenty-five per cent commission .
6 And as one walks down the precipitous towpath there on the right is the stepping spread of side ponds and beyond that the overgrown remains of ‘ one of the many freaks that the mechanical age has produced ’ , as Rolt describes rather ungraciously the inclined plane that has gained for Foxton an entry in the ‘ Encyclopaedia Britannica ’ .
7 This is just one of the many services that the University recognises is best run by the students .
8 One of the many problems that sociology faces is the sheer number of its rivals — unlike , say , physics , which may be reserved mostly for physicists , anyone can play .
9 His research work at the university 's petroleum warfare department led indirectly to him joining Esso , and within weeks he was faced with one of the many challenges that were to punctuate his rise to the top of the industry .
10 Now , two of the questions out of the six will come from developmental and four of the questions of the six will be coming from the topics that I 've covered on most of s it 'll come from one one of the many topics that I 've c or several of the topics that I 've covered .
11 Given the complexities of some of the procedures which police officers are required to operate under this legislation , it is not surprising to find that the Metropolitan Police , and no doubt many other forces as well , have issued a set of elaborate and detailed instructions which indicate to an officer precisely how he is to proceed in any one of the many contingencies that may arise and which are designed to ensure that he acts in accordance with the statute as interpreted by the courts .
12 One of the many things that Mrs Thatcher has learned during her time in politics is how to milk election campaigns .
13 Moreover , I discovered the city to be one of many charms ; time and again , I found myself wandering past delightful rows of old timber-fronted houses , or crossing some little stone footbridge over one of the many streams that flow through the city .
14 Perhaps you could acquire a taste for decaffeinated coffee or one of the many herb or fruit teas .
15 Washing up was just one of the many benefits that usually came his way on party nights .
16 One of the many compliments that can be paid this finely produced book is that it is worth reading from cover to cover .
17 Ascorbic acid is a useful additive and like salt and pepper , it is one of the many additives that is derived from a natural source .
18 Summer gales were rarely of long duration in our experience , and if it blew really hard we used to snug down in the lee of one of the many anchorages and take to the hills for a change .
19 During the evening , you can unwind in one of the many bars and restaurants ; there is even a disco !
20 I believe he was one of the many aircraft that General Galland 's flying wing and the German Navy shot down on route through the narrows of the Channel .
21 ONE OF THE few quotable quotes attributed to Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssoen Quisling , uttered with contempt on one of the many occasions when his Norwegian countrymen rejected him , is : ‘ Ibsen knew his people . ’
22 That was one of the many occasions when we were sent for after supper and beaten by the Library .
23 Everybody has seen Fantasia or Snow White , or one of the many Tom and Jerry cartoons , and the majority of those old enough to understand will realise that they 're made up of literally thousands of drawings .
24 The folly was a gift from the Sultan of Oman , just one of the many presents that now adorn the property .
25 Well thank you , I , I 'll leave to Norbert the handling of the artist 's side of this , but as to the amateur sportsman , I know this is a very familiar and accepted notion among us , that the British do n't take sport seriously enough , but I wonder if it 's not one of the many self-delusions that we suffer from .
26 O was only one of the many names that we had given him , but it was the one that had lasted .
27 We never question that feeling , we just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that afflict our civilization today .
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