Example sentences of "one [noun] he [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had several pets : a grey cat Maria , Shep the sheepdog who went everywhere with him over the fields , several birds including a lame pigeon that he loved to tease Maria with ; and one spring he reared a wild duck from the egg of an abandoned nest and was upset for weeks after the October day it finally flew away .
2 At one point he drove the wrong way through a contra-flow system .
3 At one point he rephrases the central dilemma of innovation and in so doing he implies that the most important characteristic of a school 's internal organisation is a ‘ collaborative professional relationship ’ among teachers .
4 One evening he turned a small chair over on its side and said ‘ While I 'm gone , Geraldine , dear , could you work on turning this chair into a forest ? ’
5 From one cage he removed a glossy coated rat , rolled the parchment into the phial attached to a hind leg , and let the animal go .
6 On one occasion he played an active role in destroying a German column which yielded twenty-five trucks and three tanks to the partisans .
7 On one occasion he suffered an uncontrollable ‘ outburst ’ during his sleep and reckoned it cost him a masterpiece the next morning .
8 Not surprisingly Cautinus was terrified of Chramn , and on one occasion he abandoned the annual pilgrimage from Clermont to Brioude , because he thought that the prince 's men were pursuing him .
9 One night he heard a loud noise in the yard , looked out and saw a black person apparently being whipped — as he thought , to death .
10 One night he put a Belgian chocolate inside her and as it melted he licked away the cream .
11 One night he detected a faint comet , went inside to check a star map to ensure there was no nebula in that position , but was unable to see it again when he went back outside .
12 Above one elbow he wore a thick gold band of Norse design that Tuathal had never seen before .
13 Instead , by the age of 15 , he was wasting his money endlessly playing computer games , until one day he discovered the Yellow Magic Orchestra , and then Kraftwerk , and then Asian music and various ethnic musics ( ‘ Sounded like techno to me , ’ he mutters ) .
14 This is erm Nick and I said that erm it 's rather confusing here because on the one hand he represents the American dream boy because he 's young , he 's beautiful , he 's got his future ahead of him .
15 Firing the bolter with one hand he waved the sizzling power sword frantically in front of his face as if fanning wasps away .
16 Kentigern 's own example was powerful : he went always on foot , lived temperately , went into cold water each morning even in winter , lay at night in a stone coffin with ashes for a mattress , and yet he was a man of business , his parishes grew , churches were established the country over , and always in one hand he held a plain pontifical staff , in the other a psalter . ’
17 When Mr Bennet rang the doorbell he had his hands full of pieces of cardboard and balls of string and sticky tape and over one shoulder he carried a bright red blanket .
18 One year he produced a comic sketch called The Magic Hotel or How Tommy and his Uncle Herbert Spent a Quiet Night .
19 One year he placed a tiny train inside an egg to celebrate the opening of the famous Trans-Siberian railway .
20 Under one arm he had a large box of crisps and a bottle of Tizer .
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