Example sentences of "one [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 One hour after the dose the phase of rapid equilibration between the blood and tissues is generally complete and the elimination phase becomes dominant , and thus the observed concentration more accurately reflects the concentration in tissue , where the infection is most likely to be .
2 Erm and once we 've got one decision out the way the other two are fairly simple and that is that you and I agree that is is is the is the right time er right place and and time for you to launch yourself em employed er aspect .
3 Instead of meandering up a path to the top , chatting amicably to a pal about how George Michael used to be good in Wham and passing round the butterscotch , they choose a cliff and try to reach the summit by slowly inching their way up vertical rock , pushing their fingers into tiny fissures and standing with one toe on a ledge the size of a pebble .
4 From his vantage point he sees in one part of the field the enemy trying to retreat with their artillery and he sends a message to his brigade of light Cavalry .
5 The problem is , if he leaves the duck and the corn together on one side of the river the duck will eat the corn .
6 To one side of the square the stretcher party from Headquarters and Holding Company hover ready to remove any casualties to the medical centre .
7 On one side of the knife-edge the critical frequency of Tit for Tat is exceeded , and selection will favour more and more Tit for Tats .
8 On one side of the road the cotton plants stand knee-high in well-tended rows ; on the other they are besieged by weeds and reach to just above the ankle .
9 Er two bedrooms , it was a number sixty six Street in those days , there were new houses built on where it is now , I have n't been into Palfry for years but er there were five houses in the row , there was a family named at one end , there was us my nan of course we were next to , next to us was Mrs , a Mr and Mrs , and then er that was one side of the entry the other side of the entry was a family named , they had quite a large family , there was er two or three of those married Mrs and then er then Mrs they were all relatives , cos there was no such thing as overcrowding in those days you got as many in as you could you see , there was , another was Mr and Mrs she was a daughter of Mrs there was Mrs and Mrs she was another daughter of Mrs , and then er there were , there was a , a young man he was a son of Mrs , the were I think show people originally cos they were a bit anyhow there were five houses down the yard we had n't got running water in the sink , we had a , a big stone pump pipe in at the bottom of the entry we all had to go and draw out our own drinking water from this one standpipe .
10 At one side of the galaxy the gas is travelling at 700 km per second faster than it is on the other side .
11 Although Mr Kinnock and leading party figures have publicly backed moves towards one member , one vote in the party the annual conference is not due to discuss the issue until 1991 .
12 At one curve in the road the driver stopped and flashed his main beams .
13 At one point during the debate the National Religious Party ( Mafdal ) , a member of the Likud-led coalition , threatened to vote against the budget unless it received additional " special allocations " .
14 He remembered vividly one particularly interesting example from the previous evening : at one point in the film the love interest was sorted out in the control-room of a broadcasting studio .
15 At one point in the novel the ‘ implied author ’ intervenes to argue that in critical discourse the critic-as-reader becomes a principle of unity and semantic determination :
16 One evening in the park the previous summer he had made a frank gesture that was like a question , and one side of her had wanted to say ‘ Yes ’ , but she had said ‘ No , Len , ’ and he had taken his hand away , and kissed her , and quietly accepted her decision .
17 ‘ I had just one fish from the swim the week before but this time had five botes and took four fish , ’ said David .
18 one grain at a time the whole Sahara ;
19 One Sunday at the Trocadero the chief circle usher said to me , ‘ I think you 'd better come up to the back circle , Gents , we 've got a bloke behaving obscenely . ’
20 Speaking through an interpreter , Mr Usta said : ‘ As far as I can figure it out , one day before the operation the cheque was given by Dr Crockett , it was changed and the money given to me that night . ’
21 Hips going in the opposite direction to the feet , ending in Ethel standing on one leg like a stork the other leg wrapped round Sid 's waist and he bending over backwards with his head touching the floor .
22 With fifty teams present , there had also been one hell of a party the night before .
23 On one line of the song the group seem to be singing what sounds like : ‘ E's are good . ’
24 At one end of the scale the death of a spouse rates 100 points .
25 At one end of the stableyard the walls of the kitchen garden joined the backs of the loose boxes — an archway crowned by a belfry was built across the carriage-way leading out of the yard to the great swirl of gravel in front of the house , and onwards down the avenue .
26 In one corner of the kitchens the lobsters were awaiting their fate .
27 On one corner of the site the river had eaten into the bank and pulled part of the masonry of an out-building down into the current where it lay half-submerged , growing gardens of weeds .
28 The most significant are that the proposed SAS requires auditors to be active , rather than passive , and to perform procedures specifically designed to identify circumstances which might call into question the appropriateness of the going concern basis ; that the future period which should be considered by both the directors and auditors in assessing the validity of the going concern basis should be extended to one year from the date the accounts are approved by the directors ; and that emphasis is now placed on the need for adequate disclosures in accounts of matters giving rise to inherent uncertainties that affect a company 's ability to continue as a going concern .
29 The proposed SAS suggests that such supporting evidence will normally include forecasts and budgets , as well as statements of borrowing facilities , covering a period of at least one year from the date the directors approve the accounts .
30 By buying one company in the group the purchaser will not necessarily acquire all the assets necessary to conduct that company 's business .
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