Example sentences of "who had been [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The recipients were Mary Ayliffe , Ernest 's wife , who had been tireless in her activities on behalf of the BDDA in her own right and as her husband 's interpreter , and William Gregory Wright , a skilled bookbinder , who had been deafened and lost the use of one eye by a fall at the age of four .
2 There were six staff present including the Project Coordinator , the new teacher-librarian , the head , representatives of basic studies , maths and science , and a social education teacher who had been designated as holding an implementation of policy post ( or " 10p posts " as they were commonly called ) .
3 But yesterday McLean said it was Burgess who had been kicking and stamping on the victim .
4 I once watched a television documentary about St Kilda , during which they interviewed some of the few people living who had been born and had spent their youth on the island .
5 One in particular rose to a position of power and influence ; Robert Erskine , a son of Sir Charles Erskine of Alva , who had been born and educated in Edinburgh , became Peter the Great 's personal physician , confidante and adviser .
6 In May 1323 John XXII told Fulk Lestrange , Edward II 's seneschal of Aquitaine , to make peace with Gaston , as he was not responsible for the excesses of his own officers and subjects , who had been provoked and encouraged by his mother .
7 Rather than creative individuals being taken as the starting-point , the individuals targeted initially were people who had been diagnosed as having had a mental illness , either a severe ( manic-depressive ) form of affective disorder or the milder , but aetiologically related , mood swings of ‘ cyclothymia ’ .
8 On June 22 a Berlin court acquitted four former East German border guards accused of attempting to kill a man who had been shot and wounded when trying to escape over the Berlin Wall in 1971 .
9 A thin , stoop-shouldered Frenchman wearing a pince-nez who had been watching and listening from the curbside , stepped into the road suddenly and leaned close enough to Chuck for the American boy to smell the garlic on his breath .
10 The money would be spent to pay social insurance benefits to people who had been persecuted and driven out of the country at the time of the Anschluss and were now living in countries such as Israel and the United States , and a small proportion would be devoted to projects in Austria .
11 Danny Morrison , 38 , the former publicity director of Sinn Féin , was sentenced in Belfast on May 9 to eight years in prison for his part in the false imprisonment of a police informer , but was acquitted of conspiracy to murder Alexander " Sandy " Lynch , who had been held and interrogated by the IRA 's security department for two days in January 1990 ; seven others were given prison sentences of up to 12 years for false imprisonment in connection with this and other cases .
12 Federal appeals courts in California ordered the return of Alvarez and also overturned the conviction and 240-year prison sentence against Rene Martin Verdugo-Urquidez , another Mexican who had been abducted and tried in connection with the Camarena murder .
13 What would have happened if the man who had been traduced and vilified had been a village schoolmaster ?
14 It is to prevent circuity of action , inasmuch as if the released debtor were still liable to an action for contribution by his co-debtor ( who had been sued and had paid ) , he would not in fact be released : North v. Wakefield , 13 Q.B .
15 The failure of the North-South Dialogue showed The South that The North — by which they meant the West — did have a coherent distinctiveness : power , financial , technological and military power which it protected with a specialized technological language unintelligible to anyone outside its closed circle except the Brown and Black Sahibs in The South who had been educated and trained in The North .
16 Benavides and Mendoza , who had been tried and convicted in September [ see p. 38414 ] , would not benefit from an amnesty law adopted on Jan. 24 , which was applicable only to groups of over 19 people .
17 An elderly woman who had been missing and feared dead is recovering in hospital after a helicopter search found her .
18 He was still under the shadow of a more famous British broadcaster in Berlin , Norman Baillie-Stewart , an officer of the Seaforth Highlanders who had been court-martialled and sent to prison for five years in 1933 for selling military secrets to Germany .
19 Their husbands objected at first , but soon stopped when the money started coming in and anyway a quarter of the women were on their own , who had been abandoned or divorced .
20 Scotland Yard press bureau gave this information to a journalist ; he deduced who had been arrested and printed a libellous story .
21 Gitobu Imanyara , a civil rights lawyer and editor of the Nairobi Law Monthly , who had been arrested and charged with sedition on March 5 over an article alleging tribal favouritism [ see pp. 38088-89 ] , was again refused bail by the High Court on May 9 .
22 Ironically , it was at this time that Ezra Pound , who had been arrested and imprisoned for treason , was examined by four prominent psychologists and judged to be insane .
23 He became a Party member in 1930 , presumably from motives of self-protection rather than ideological zeal : he continued to extend secret financial support to his wife 's family , who had been denounced as kulaks — so-called rich peasants , arbitrarily declared to be class enemies of the revolution for their resistance to the disastrous collectivisation of agriculture — and dispossessed of their property .
24 An officer of the secret police began his interrogation of the anthropologist who had been denounced and brought to his office : ‘ Now , tell me about my genealogy — you collected it from my father last week . ’
25 A late arrival came out between the automatic doors , stared at the queue , walked back inside to join the uniformed chauffeur who had been waiting and holding a card .
26 After the Africans arrived , it was they who worked , while the Englishmen , who had previously laboured , now drilled under two army sergeants who had been recruited and brought out to the settlement .
27 The killing of Estrada , who had been captured but released unharmed the previous month [ see p. 37372 ] , was believed to be the work of the Medellín drug cartel ; however , as in the previous killings of three leading presidential candidates [ see pp. 36844 ; 37312 ; 37371-72 ] , right-wing paramilitary groups were also suspected .
28 Over the next decade that prophetic vision was made real as the landscape of Irish politics underwent revolutionary change at the hands of men and women who had been moulded and inspired by the events of 1916 .
29 These patients were recruited from the waiting list of new patients which comprised patients who had been classified as having routine conditions by the consultant on the basis of the information in the referral letter .
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