Example sentences of "who had [verb] as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Swift , despite his attitude toward Stephen Duck , had already taken an interest in Constantia Grierson who had trained as a midwife .
2 Sarah was the daughter of my mother 's eldest sister , Janet , who had trained as a doctor and was married to a psychoanalyst .
3 The new Resident Representative in the USA , Juan Babauta , a Republican , took over the post from a Democrat , Froilan C. Tenario , a strong nationalist who had stood as a candidate for the governorship .
4 They included Nai Khin Maung , who had served as a member of the central executive committee of the Mon National League for Democracy , held since October 1991 .
5 , William Miller ( 1885–1974 ) , historian , was born in Aberdeen 1 October 1885 , the youngest child in the family of three sons and four daughters of the Revd John Macmillan , Scottish Free Church minister and schoolmaster , who had served as a missionary in India , and his wife Elizabeth Caid Lindsay .
6 One highly motivated recruit Stirling did manage to persuade to join him was Fitzroy Maclean , who had served as a diplomat in Russia before the war .
7 In the past Jeffries , who had served as a consultant to the New York state Department of Education during its efforts to revise the high school syllabus , had attracted controversy by asserting that blacks — " sun people " — were genetically superior to whites — " ice people " — because of the greater quantity of the pigment melanin to be found in blacks .
8 A man might be fined , in which case it was usual for him to be ordered to make payment to the person or persons who had suffered as a result of his crime .
9 The money that er we raised in the Soviet Union was intended for the families of miners who had suffered as a result of the strike .
10 These matters are important because they explain how Pound and Eliot , who had campaigned as a team and would help each other for many years to come , radically differed not just in themes and attitudes ( of which something will be said hereafter ) but at this deep level , in the not altogether conscious interstices of their craft .
11 Some of the more important include George Blake , who worked for MI6 ( see Chapter 2 ) ; John Cairncross , who betrayed Ultra secrets from the Government Code & Cipher School ( GCCS ) at Bletchley Park during the war to the Russians ; John Vassall , a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty ; Frank Bossard , who gave the Russians details of British and American guided weapons systems ( which must have amused them greatly as the Russians were far ahead of the West at the time ) ; and William Marshall , who had worked as a cipher clerk at the British Embassy in Moscow .
12 At the time of his arrest Wallace , who had worked as a DJ on Radio Pattaya , a commercial station serving the Thai beach resort , said : ‘ I am not worried .
13 The catalogue has the additional interest of a memoir by Silvio Berthoud , who had sat as a boy between five and eight for his uncle :
14 Of the other parties , the Independent Smallholders ' Party ( which had won 57 per cent of the vote in the last free election in 1945 — see p. 7600 ) , led by Istvan Prepeliczay , advocated the return of collectivized land to its owners as listed in the 1947 land register ; the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was established in October 1989 [ see p. 36960-61 ] as the reformed successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) and currently claimed 50,000-60,000 members , the first candidate on its national list being Imre Poszgay , who had acted as a catalyst for many of the reforms but who came third in the constituency where he was also standing ; and the League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) , led by Viktor Orban and claiming 5,000 members , was closely allied to the SzDSz .
15 The linking of sexual enjoyment with social status also proved a golden formula for Hugh Hefner , who had failed as a cartoonist and copy-writer on Esquire in Chicago and was doing none too well as a promoter of a magazine called Children 's Activities .
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