Example sentences of "who had [verb] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Relations with France had deteriorated in recent weeks [ see p. 37874 ] , and on Dec. 21 the government denounced as " paternalistic " the comments of Thierry de Beaucé , the French Secretary of State for International Cultural Relations , who had called on the Moroccan government to respect human rights , especially in the context of the trials of those arrested over the Dec. 14-15 demonstrations .
2 The councillors were drawn heavily from people who had served on the previous local authorities : and most of the public remained ignorant and apathetic towards local government ( Rhodes 1972:420 — 1 ) .
3 The person who had eavesdropped on the proposed intrigue performed Stratton 's job for him ; stole the jewel ; slid thereafter into the background ; and disposed at leisure of the superfluous pearls and the petty cash .
4 It was Maxwell Shaw 's grandfather who had made the family 's fortune , a Sheffield ironmaster who had risen on the high tide of Victorian industrialization .
5 His outline programme included a 100-day package to curb inflation , a declared intention to make the forint into a convertible currency ( but without a specified target date ) , and a commitment to land reforms , as demanded by the Smallholders who had campaigned on the single issue of returning farmland to its pre-1947 owners ; agriculture was to become primarily based on private ownership , with encouragement for family farms and voluntary co-operatives , although a limited number of state farms would also remain in existence .
6 Vargas Llosa , who had led on the first round on April 8 [ see p. 37371 ] , now won only 2,713,442 ( 33.92 per cent ) .
7 The choreographer was Onna White , who had worked on the first musical version of a Charles Dickens book , Oliver ! , the 1968 British film starring Ron Moody and Oliver Reed — for which she won a special Oscar — and had staged Half a Sixpence in New York , featuring Tommy Steele .
8 Dr Richard Webb , an American nuclear physicist who had worked on the early submarine PWRs , produced scenarios which showed that a land area about the size of the British Isles could have to be abandoned in the wake of a catastrophic accident .
9 The ones who had worked on the previous Hayling dummy , including photographer Tom Picton and his daughter Zoe , had good reason to fear that Sutton , given a free hand , would get rid of them .
10 An officer who had worked on the social side for twenty years summed it up as " the most brilliant lecture on our social services I 'd ever heard in my life " .
11 Thousands of workers lost their jobs , and the railways ' staffing needs were met by an influx of combatants who had fought on the nationalist side in the civil war ; a war that was commonly referred to by the victors , and indeed in RENFE documents of this period , as the ‘ war of national liberation ’ .
12 On June 20-24 in Narbonne police ( and , later , CRS riot police ) clashed with " Harki " youths — the children of Algerians who had fought on the French side during the Algerian war of independence .
13 But it was not just a question of punishment ; for those who had fought on the winning side there were rewards to reap .
14 From this time onwards , commentators who had speculated on the Prime Minister 's early removal from office , now assumed confidently that Thatcherism was here to stay .
15 A Slovak without party affiliation , Ehrenberger replaced Theodor Petrik , who had resigned on the previous day .
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