Example sentences of "who have been [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And leading the way on the one-mile hike through the park was a Belfast man who has been helping the Ulster-led Everest expedition walk to the top of the world .
2 Several grand viziers entered the Sultan 's service via the devşirme , including Ibrahim , the Greek who served Suleiman the Magnificent from 1523 to 1536 ; the Macedonian Koçu Bey , adviser to Murad IV in the seventeenth century , who has been called the Turkish Montesquieu ; and Mehmed Sokolović ( Sokollu ) , the Bosnian who held the post from 1564 to 1579 , serving Suleiman , Selim II and Murad III .
3 The relative or person who has been given the medical certificate by the doctor must see the Registrar of Births and Deaths for the district where the death occurred , in order that the death may be registered .
4 Convincing evidence that animals actually do operate this way comes from James Serpell of the University of Cambridge ( Animal Behaviour , vol 30 , p 1244 ) , who has been studying the aggressive behaviour of nine species of tropical parrots of the genus Trichoglossus .
5 ‘ He 's a curiously authoritative figure , ’ says Tom Nairn , the political philosopher who has been pondering the various strains of British nationalism for years .
6 The final southbound working to run over the section from Dunford to Sheffield consisted of class 20 No. 20004 and a brake conveying a party of contractors who had been inspecting the remaining part of the route west of Penistone .
7 A young French assistant , who had been holding the white horse on which Duclos ranged the plantation each day , stepped forward at a signal from him and steadied the animal while he mounted .
8 In the north midlands , the dominant figure in the 1460s had been the king 's brother Clarence , who had been granted the important duchy of Lancaster estates in the region centred on the honour of Tutbury ( Staffs . ) .
9 In the north midlands , the dominant figure in the 1460s had been the king 's brother Clarence , who had been granted the important duchy of Lancaster estates in the region centred on the honour of Tutbury ( Staffs . ) .
10 Continued tensions led in January 1989 to the establishment of a ‘ special form of administration ’ , in effect direct rule from Moscow , headed by Arkadii Vol'sky , who had been appointed the previous summer to represent the central government in the contested region .
11 A large woman of formidable appearance , who had been passing the open door of the coffee lounge and whose attention had been caught by Amaranth 's evident distress , came over to them .
12 Sammy , who had been watching the slight twitching movements that Willie had made in his sleep , now stood at his feet .
13 When his case finally came up the evidence of the couple 's daughter , who had been watching the whole incident , was torn to shreds by Russell 's lawyer .
14 That January issue was the ‘ Revolutionary Oz ’ , complete with Quattrocchi on the Russian Revolution ; Widgery on the Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara , who had been killed the previous October in the Bolivian jungle , and whose name Widgery and Oz spelt throughout as ‘ Geuvara ’ ; and even John Wilcock , whose ‘ Other scenes ’ reappeared in that issue , put in a piece on Regis Debray .
15 Nkrumah ( who had been given the Christian name of Francis ) responded readily to this challenge .
16 The French troops were hidden by the folds of ground and by the woods and high crops , but the smoke was evidence enough that thousands of men had closed on Frasnes in the night to support the battalion of French skirmishers who had been baulked the previous evening .
17 Hermann Neuberger , the chairman of the International Football Federation World Cup organising committee , said players who had been shown the yellow card once during qualifying games would not have to carry it over to the finals .
18 Hermann Neuberger , the chairman of the International Football Federation World Cup organising committee , said players who had been shown the yellow card once during qualifying games would not have to carry it over to the finals .
19 But he said that the amnesty would not cover players who had been shown the red card and sent off for serious offences during qualifying games .
20 But he said that the amnesty would not cover players who had been shown the red card and sent off for serious offences during qualifying games .
21 FOUR of the five gunmen who had been occupying the Nicaraguan embassy in San Jose , Costa Rica , for nearly two weeks left the country yesterday a few hours after the siege had ended peacefully .
22 District nurses and health visitors who have been given the statutory power to prescribe treatments may not be given the authority to do so by their employers .
23 Erm and those people who have been asked the specific question , Would you pay a premium price for this water as against that which you 're drinking ? said yes .
24 He was especially good at the end , when the aliens ( who have been monitoring the whole joke , helping Spunk out at awkward moments ) beam him back to BC .
25 They 're supervised by Sonia Rafferty , who 's been given the rare privilege of forming the group and a selection of new works .
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