Example sentences of "who have be [vb pp] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A Sheriff Officer is a person in private practice who has been appointed an officer of the court but is not a court employee .
2 He is pressing for an early meeting with Home Office Minister Peter Lloyd , who has been sent a copy of the survey .
3 Martyn Moxon , who has been granted a benefit in 1993 by Yorkshire , recently received the Society 's ‘ Cricketer of the Year ’ Award for 1991 .
4 This will include : ( i ) the mother ; ( ii ) the father if he was married to the mother when the child was born ; ( iii ) the father , if he was not married to the child 's mother when the child was born but he has since married her or now has a residence order , a court order which gives him parental responsibility or a formal parental responsibility agreement made with the mother in accordance with s4(2) of the Act ; ( iv ) a guardian of the child which in this context means a testamentary guardian appointed in accordance with s5 of the Act ; ( v ) anyone who holds a custody or residence order relating to the child ; ( vi ) a local authority which has a care order in respect of the child ; ( vii ) anyone who has been granted an emergency protection order ; ( viii ) in the case of an adopted child , the adopters in place of the natural parents .
5 A registered or occasional student who has been granted an intermission in his studies or leave of absence from his studies shall not be required to enrol for the period of intermission or leave .
6 Mike , who has been given a car and a house by his new employers , has yet to see his new surroundings , and it will certainly be a journey into the unknown .
7 Supposedly grown-up people that believe human beings can not practise safe sex and contraception , or that it is right to deny a 14-year-old girl who has been raped an abortion because it would be morally wrong in the eyes of God , are not living in the real world .
8 I am a senior enrolled nurse who wants to hear from any enrolled or senior enrolled nurse who has been awarded a staff nurse grade F , or above , in 1988 , or subsequently through the grading appeals system .
9 This must have given him great satisfaction for he used to refer to himself " as one who has been admitted a member of the great family of the deaf " , and described this family as " my people " .
10 But I sat in yesterday afternoon and I felt sorry for the man 's daughter who 'd been given a hymn the service .
11 ‘ When one thinks of the number of miserably displaced children from broken homes who 've been given a sense of purpose by the Pony Club ’ Sukey was saying , then , lowering her voice , ‘ take Perdita Macleod .
12 It 's our members in these industries who 've been given a hammering since privatization and who need as much support as possible to give them the confidence to face further difficult years ahead .
13 In early December , Marjorie , Lady Lewis opened the Lewis Wing of the Law Faculty in the Wills Memorial Building , which was refurbished using funds raised form the local law practices to commemorate professor Martin Lewis , the first Professor of Law at the University , and his son Judge Sir Ian , Lady Lewis 's late husband , who had been elected a Pro-Chancellor the University shortly before his untimely death .
14 This fuelled rumours that the murder was the work of the anti-Semitic Russian nationalist group Pamyat , from which Fr Men ( who had been born a Jew ) reportedly had received threatening letters .
15 Judge Gerhard A. Gesell ruled that Hopkins , who had been denied a partnership in 1982 because her colleagues considered her to be too " macho " , had been the victim of illegal " sex stereotyping " .
16 Nuala positively glowed , and for a few moments she looked like a child who had been given a present .
17 I have had difficult cases , like the woman who had been given a Caesarean operation : giving birth after that kind of operation is very delicate , but it turned out all right .
18 In Malette v. Shulman , 67 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 321 a Canadian court upheld an award of $20,000 to a patient who had been given a blood transfusion in order to save her life but against her known wishes .
19 Our neighbour , who had been given a key to check on our house while we had been away , had thoughtfully lit a fire to welcome us home .
20 David , who had been given a piece of her mind , returned sadly to a state of detumescence and made do with David Attenborough who at least was living vicariously .
21 The young man who had peered over the rampart to see this extraordinary collection of scarecrows was known to more than one of the garrison of Krishnapur , for he was none other than that Lieutenant Stapleton who had danced so often with Louise in Calcutta the previous cold season and who had been given a lock of blonde curls as a keepsake ; he had made a point of wearing this lock of hair next to the rather wispy blond hair that grew on his own chest .
22 After six months Miloš made a ceremonial entry into Belgrade to parley with the newly appointed Turkish governor , Marasli , who had been given a mandate by the sultan to make concessions in order to pacify the Serbs .
23 As they approached the village , Mungo felt a little like a prisoner who had been given a taste of freedom .
24 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
25 For the Prime Minister , who had been thought a prisoner of factional forces inside and outside his party , the mufti 's appointment was a resounding declaration of independence .
26 ( One of the very few to leave for other employment was Emily Picken , who had been offered a post as matron of a children 's home .
27 Since the new constitution was enacted in 1937 , the prohibition on divorce has become so strict that couples who have been granted a nullity decree by Roman catholic canonical tribunals have found that they may still not be recognized as single by the state , and are thus unable to remarry in the Republic .
28 Virgin had , to a large extent , been built on Branson 's abilities at man-management and manipulation — his unrivalled capacity , as one friend put it , ‘ to get people to do things for him , and feel that they are the ones who have been done a favour ’ .
29 Striding out for charity FIVE unemployed people who have been given a place on a training scheme at British Aerospace Airbus , Broughton , have decided to give something back to the community by a sponsored walk from Bangor to BAe Broughton over two days starting on June 24 .
30 They have teamed up with Instem Computer Systems , who have been awarded a sub-contract worth £3 million .
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