Example sentences of "who be [v-ing] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This makes the transaction less attractive to underwriters who are looking to invest in the offeror and may explain why , in practice , it is rare to see an open offer being made to shareholders .
2 Erm , we we talked about this sort of issue earlier on , in in relationship to the , to the R A D. Erm , I 'm not quite sure of the strong importance of that organisation to the council , but I am sure that this erm , committee was set up by a number of south west authorities who are trying to look at the future of county farms .
3 Most certainly these were the sections of the working class who were beginning to benefit from the trend towards paid holidays , which was eventually formalized , after the Amulree Report , and the Holidays with Pay Act of 1938 .
4 " We 'd easily get the half-five bus , " Timothy said , offering his gums again , blocking their passage and the passage of two elderly women who were endeavouring to pass into the foyer .
5 Was there at some time then , a briefing for the officers who were going to go into the flat ?
6 That 's the that 's erm person who 's going to advertise in the actual brochure ?
7 ‘ So , who 's going to pay for the coffee ? ’ she asked drily as she recharged the filter yet again during the afternoon .
8 Who 's going to gain at the finish ?
9 Who 's going to speak for the districts ?
10 I have to say I 'm a little doubtful as to whether legal aid will be granted because the courts now take the view that if there 's no contest between you and him as to who 's going to look after the child , then they wo n't make a court order .
11 Now , that is a bloody nuisance to everybody erm who is trying to go along the street , which is of such a narrowness or difficulty , that it has been marked with double yellow lines in order to , to facilitate the flow of traffic .
12 It is information which is vital to any councillor who is trying to go through the analysis of cost centre by cost centre of the expenditures of this council and as such it 's vital that this information is available to us not only by combing through all the relevant minutes and in er minutes of committees that have taken place but paraded together in one place for us all and members of the public to be able to get access to it .
13 Meanwhile , Hull KR are ready to listen to offers for Wales international David Bishop , who is threatening to retire after the match with France .
14 Your client who is having to pay for the action would otherwise find himself in the position of being the loser financially despite an order on liability .
15 ‘ My first thought was , ‘ who is going to look after the children if I 'm not around ’ , ’ says the mother of three from Harlow .
16 For example , who is going to pay for the process of assessment and the involvement of the various practitioners — social workers ; general practitioners ; hospital , paramedical , and housing personnel ; and so on ?
17 But as the romance , continued to drag on , there were signs the story was wearing thin , especially for Jason , who was beginning to tire of the facade .
18 A bloke who was trying to get at the tomato purée gave him rather an odd look , but Quigley was not bothered .
19 ‘ There was a brief scuffle between a bouncer and a drunk who was trying to get into the club .
20 I have looked around the faces before games in the past wondering who was going to go to the wire with a home crowd after your blood , never mind the opposition .
21 Nobody knew who was going to win at the end .
22 I asked who was going to pay for the call .
23 And so , if it came to that , would George , whose only worry when the tree toppled was who was going to pay for the damage .
24 They all bathed in the reflected glory of having a sister barely into her twenties who was going to travel to the other side of the world .
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