Example sentences of "who [am/are] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 ( ‘ the Executive Scheme ’ ) provides for share options to be granted to those senior employees who are most in a position to affect the fortunes of the Company .
2 Are they coming onto your support workers calling on the families at this time to help them erm because this will be the time when the families will need help and also naturally the residents who are normally at the centre , having got used to the centre , as we know , there could be difficulties there and I 'd like to have the please .
3 This is so even though results determination is weighted in the deserving candidate 's favour : extra marks are automatically allocated to those with a good aggregate score who are just below the pass mark in one or two papers .
4 Most community activists in the area would agree that the intent of this hidden agenda is to destroy the initiatives of those who are independent , those who are not under the control of the church or state .
5 But there are many in hospital who are not on the list but urgently in need of proper treatment .
6 Those who are not on the spot will get their impressions firstly through television and radio coverage and then through newspapers .
7 Just to add to what 's been said erm there , there have been some points raised er along the lines I 've mentioned and as a result of that erm it is felt that erm notification to members who are not on the application sub-committee of applications which affect their ward area could be improved and that is er I hope to be the subject of a report to the next meeting of the Application Sub-Committee , so that er matter i is something which is , which is being picked up and will be considered by that sub-committee but it does give me the opportunity to say that erm the definition of a complaint i is certainly not a precise one and I certainly would n't want members of this committee to feel that I was being complacent er as a result of there only being three complaints that we received .
8 So u what Everything we 're reading in here is to do with believers , not not nothing to do with the people who are not of the faith .
9 Nurses and phlebotomists are more willing to comply with universal precautions than the medical profession , whose example may in the long term compromise the safety of other health care workers who are not in a position to assess the risk .
10 The following list is just a sample of new courses and schemes , many of which illustrate the way that the University is developing new ideas to meet the needs of people who want further training but who are not in a position to commit themselves to full-time study .
11 If your class is told to divide into groups by the teacher , keep a look-out for people who are not in a group and invite them into yours .
12 There are still many children of school age who are not in the education system at any level , due to lack of enrolment opportunities , lack of schools , rising educational costs for poor families , high drop-out rates and inadequate government expenditure .
13 For those who are not in the workforce there are now some non-contributory invalidity benefits .
14 I hope that my hon. Friend the Member for Harrow , West will not mind my robust defence of those who are not in the House to defend themselves .
15 So I think I made this point before that the people who are right at the top of politics are the ones who are very good at flattery , duplicity , manipulation and so on and these , are these really the qualities we want in our government ?
16 Nevertheless , if Qaddafi shows himself limited by this commonplace either-or , he has a decided advantage over West European or American anti-statesmen , who are generally at a loss to say how a society with only families will organize itself : what is to make the linkages among families ? — the market ? — a mafia ? — a telephone company ?
17 It 's Twickenham once more for Bicester RFC who are through to the final again after seeing off Altrincham Kersal in the semis .
18 A useful way of considering this is to use the concept of the dependency ratio , that is the ratio of people who are out of the labour market in relation to those who are in it .
19 The gradual phasing out of the married woman 's option has been accompanied by the introduction of credits towards the basic state pension for those who are out of the labour market because of home responsibilities .
20 The additional earnings-related components of the state pension is based on the best twenty years ' earnings , so those who are out of the labour market for substantial periods ( mainly women ) have little choice of which periods of earnings to take .
21 It 's important that , for those of you sort of who are more into the sort of detailed arguments that are going on , it 's significant that whatever else was the case , this did not happen as a result of a single major mutation which was then established by selection , because Williamson 's got lots of intermediate populations .
22 Many of those who are now on the Opposition Front Bench were deeply ashamed of that at the time and remain deeply ashamed of it .
23 Many hon. Members who are now in the Chamber have longer distances to travel .
24 Such organization naturally involves centralization and differentiation of leadership and authority ; so that those who take responsibility for coordinating the actions of many others must have a different status in important respects from those who are essentially in the role of carrying out specifications laid down by others ’ .
25 Apart from the incentive the match will offer to Test aspirants such as Surrey 's Darren Bicknell and Warwickshire 's Tim Munton , the selectors will have a chance to assess the current form of Devon Malcolm and Mark Ramprakash , who are still on the threshhold of England places .
26 Those who are still in a state to require being taken care of by others must be protected against their own actions as well as against external injury .
27 The apprentices who are there under an apprentice contract unfortunately secure employment for the period that you 're contracted to after that , you are in the situation of dog eat dog , dare , dare I say .
28 And they 're the ones in the situation so they get pa they 're the ones who are actually on the ward at the bottom and then pass it up .
29 True , there is a hard core of youngsters who are totally beyond the control of their parents or the social services and whose repeated offending poses a serious problem .
30 To some extent , the government 's policy of affordable housing will enable an element of affordable housing to be provided , but it wo n't satisfy the needs of either people who are currently on the bottom of the housing rung and seeking to move up , nor will h help people who might be seeking to afford to c to come in as first time buyers as opposed to people who are otherwise er some other arrangement through an affordable housing provider .
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