Example sentences of "who [vb base] [prep] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You can plant a random collection without any motif , simply growing herbs which particularly appeal to you , or you can assemble collections which have a theme , rather like stamp collectors who concentrate on stamps of the Caribbean or the early triangular stamps of the African countries .
2 The buildings and the factories are still there , drab and decaying ; so are most of their occupants , down to the morose , chain-smoking soldiers who sit on guard in every official building .
3 Most people who appear on TV like a measure of recognition — so let's have no false modesty on that score .
4 Mr Delors 's reply , however , which begins to explain the mystery of the Vatican 's medieval levels of personal consumption , will do little to console those who worry about crookery in the Common Agricultural Policy .
5 It certainly made me wonder about climbers who object to bolts on the basis that they 're an eyesore .
6 About women like me — and you who walk like ghosts through a world that tries not to see us .
7 Special financial bonuses shall be given to students who focus on education beyond the school 's requirement in the areas of applied maths and sciences .
8 Martyrs ( shuhada ) who die in battle with the ungodly earn instant transmission to paradise ( al Jannah ) , the lush green gardens from which comes the colour traditionally associated with Islam .
9 As the Lord President has successfully demolished the Opposition 's spurious arguments , will he get back to real questions of security and take time to pay tribute to all who look after security in the Palace of Westminster ?
10 Be sure to remember how poor lay reasoning about causation is : not to even try to collect the data required to test a hypothesis about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer would be to leave the doors open only to those who jump to conclusions on the basis of a sample of one .
11 The second is that staff who transfer from hospitals to the community change their attitudes toward their charges , taking on new enabling and nurturing rather than rule-enforcing and limit-setting care roles .
12 Official statistics put the number of women who travel to Britain from the province for abortions each year at around 2,000 , although the actual figure is believed to be higher .
13 The North Cheshire Leaguers , who travel to Tattenhall in the third round of the Cheshire Cup , are captained by Mike Beckett who will be aided by his brother Richard .
14 In recent weeks , I have had several opportunities to discuss that matter with the presidency of the Commission and with the Commissioners who negotiate on behalf of the European Community .
15 Most people who negotiate for habitat in the countryside will bear witness that their hearts sink when an agent is involved .
16 It is particularly important that those members of staff who participate in interviews with the potential expatriate and spouse are well-briefed to ask the right questions and in turn provide detailed , helpful responses to any anxieties raised .
17 On the one hand there is the position of the ‘ no meaning ’ theist , occupied by those who talk of faith in the way that Wesley talked of it .
18 But recession-hit traders who rely on tourism in the region say they 're only guardedly optimistic about an Easter boom .
19 For those with straight hair who rely on blow-drying for a sleek glossy look , try this tip from Daniel Field .
20 Librarians who think this way , and who dispose of books by the skipful because they do not look appealing enough for ‘ face-on ’ display , have the excuse that almost all publishers regard the dust-jacket as the main way of selling a book .
21 At one extreme , it may mean that the world will not contain an example of any single human being doing that thing ; at the other end , it may merely mean that if a group of human beings adopt a norm requiring that behaviour , the norm will often be broken , its observance will give rise to a good deal of anxiety , those who comply without anxiety to the norm will be unusual in other respects , and so forth .
22 The essentials are increasingly familiar to clinicians , particularly those who deal with diseases with an immunological basis .
23 The only point to note in this system of allocation is that those who bid in excess of the striking price will have priority in allocation where the issue has been oversubscribed .
24 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
25 At one point Dr. Goldsmith was informed that ‘ this committee definitely order him to see all persons who apply for admission to the House before they are admitted , in accordance with the requirements of the local government board ’ .
26 Of course , those who argue in favour of the morality tradition being decisive in the play point to Helen being a succubus and an insubstantial hellish projection .
27 Injectors who become infected through sharing needles can spread the virus to people in the wider community through sexual contacts , particularly those who turn to prostitution as a means of financing the habit .
28 ‘ We do n't want to be one of those faceless bands who go on Top Of The Pops , have two hits and that 's it .
29 We were just watching 4 What It 's Worth about all those people who go on holiday to the sunny Mediterranean , having booked a sea view , and come back with gastroenteritis from living over the dustbins and now want their money back , when Elinor came running up the garden path closely followed by Nigel .
30 They insist that this group is ‘ nominal ’ , rather like Christians who go to church for the comfortable feelings they get , but who never put their faith into practice .
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