Example sentences of "who [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He raised his hand as if to strike Frankie , who instinctively recoiled into the rough safety of his nanny s overcoat .
2 Some of the original brigadistas , the young literacy teachers , who mostly came from the urban areas , also continued to work in adult education , and others became teachers in the formal school system .
3 It was Trainer himself who deftly headed in a right wing free kick at the start of the second period , but Ballycastle came back to equalise through Woods with two minutes to go before Gorman 's winner settled an exciting tie .
4 German actor Curt Jurgens took the role of her tolerant husband , who eventually falls for an American heiress .
5 The anthropological fieldworker who eventually returns to the social setting of his homeland usually finds that it has become quite a different place .
6 We are quiet in the first rounds cos we are scared of being giant-killed … but this lack of atmosphere gets to the players who rarely perform in the first rounds of the cups ? ?
7 He was one of those people who only care about the present moment . ’
8 The A&R depts that we dealt with when last I was in a band ( about 18 months ago ) all seemed to consist of young men in Armani suits and long raincoats , who only stayed for the first four numbers then left .
9 THE parents of a boy who suddenly withdrew into a silent world have been sent a message of support from the Queen .
10 In about 1895 the trade began to raise the popular image of the ‘ undertaker ’ from being a person who merely disposed of the dead to a funeral director whose main object is service to the public .
11 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
12 The foursome , who all work at the special care baby unit at South Cleveland Hospital , Middlesbrough , will be attending the world 's first conference on neo-natal care , held in Washington DC .
13 The Gedge boy , who apparently spied on the entire population of Dynmouth , had no doubt seen him .
14 All of these accoutrements are dispensed in a once-in-a-lifetime , never-to-be-repeated , Chrysalis carrier bag to the 94 Brits and 60-odd continental journalists who finally file into the International Press Centre at 2 pm Brussels time — primed , not-so-primed , willing , able and ready to pit the wits of the two South London jokers with attitude .
15 It can be argued that American children are not always very intelligent or easy to teach , with catastrophically short attention spans , but one can see the beginnings of a sad muddle even in England , with the publication of a homosexual prayer book giving instructions for a ‘ coming out ’ liturgy next door to prayers for those who already suffer from the American disease .
16 Mr Major , who normally sleeps in a top-floor flat above his office , will be found other accommodation in Whitehall .
17 Conservators , who normally charge by the square foot , call that rate extortionate , and doubt the number of hours Hoelzer claims were devoted to the canvases .
18 One librarian who still clung to the old ideals remarked :
19 Nor would Morse be forgetting the only man who had not been present at the meeting — the man who still lay with a wicked headache and a barely touched breakfast-tray beside him in Room 201 , to which room Shirley Brown had shepherdessed him when , after his unexplained absence , he had reeled into The Randolph the previous night .
20 They have two daughters who still live in the 50-bedroom Cassillis Castle , near Ayr .
21 The company founded by Ralph Lauren in 1967 traffics in all manner of hunting , fishing , nautical , equestrian and golfing-themed clothes for Americans who still look to the mythical British Empire for their cultural cues .
22 Later to be run on the death of his father by Ted Parris , who still lives in the same road , taking over at the age of 15 until called into the services during the first war .
23 Those who run tennis live in the Victorian age , football is run by proven failures , cricket ruled by men who still belong to the archaic Gentlemen v. Players era and athletics is in the hands of incompetent amateurs .
24 Unlike the exercise described in Chapter 10 , the team did not include representatives from the parent organisation ( ie the County Council ) , a deliberate omission to avoid the results being conditioned by the knowledge or views of internal analysts , who nonetheless assisted with the general arrangements and administration .
25 In the second half , Alexander made two good chances for himself , but it was Bicester who deservedly equalised after a sustained spell of pressure when Mark Butler stabbed home a loose ball from a corner .
26 I can still see her as I first met her , a skinny , energetic schoolgirl with a flower in her shining black hair , who quickly grew into a beautiful woman and whose life became entwined with mine as together we triumphed over disease , over prejudice and even over war .
27 Clifford Allen , who quickly emerged as the political and spiritual leader of the movement , saw in the collapse of the Second International :
28 Stumps were uprooted , an impromptu lap of honour instigated by Desmond Haynes , who quickly collapsed in a tearful heap , and Richardson snatched an Antiguan flag in scenes of wild abandon .
29 And I am terribly bored by my colleagues in art history , who always write about the same thing .
30 Your cause will grab more power as time passes , boosted by the media , who always go for a new slant on the sex thing .
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