Example sentences of "who [vb past] [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The British Mesozoic Committee ( who concerned themselves with such matters ) therefore found it impossible to accept the stratotype concept as it is usually proclaimed on the continent .
2 Clearly there can be no simple answer to such a question , but we need to appreciate that , until the eighteenth century , the speculative moral philosophers who concerned themselves with such issues did not have to bother about the practical implications of their argument .
3 He was a nice chap called Roland who entertained us with such finesse on his flute and oboe .
4 She eventually located an Immigration officer who led her through several corridors until they reached a locked red-painted door at the back of the airport building .
5 Now that those people have run up those enormous debts , where are the Labour Members of Parliament who led them into that position ?
6 Even those who prided themselves on liberal views found it hard not to score points off the Germans , including refugee Germans .
7 He put himself into the hands of a psychiatrist who passed him to another psychiatrist , Leonard Browne .
8 The two Longner men who rode one on either side their borrowed minstrel brought him as far as the gatehouse , waiting in silence as he dismounted .
9 It was Mr Gorbachev , after all , who got them into this mess .
10 His comments brought an angry response from the executive director of Scottish Financial Enterprise , James Scott , who described them as confused nonsense .
11 When Ken was in a bad mood or turned on people who regarded themselves as close friends , it was mostly a reaction to the way he saw himself — a failure to be what he wanted to be most .
12 He was a Georgian by birth ; did he , then , share the fierce nationalistic pride of his fellow-countrymen , or had his orphanage moulded him into one of the bland , rootless vegetables who regarded themselves as Soviet citizens ?
13 This idea inspired knights from France to flock to the assistance of the struggling Christian kingdoms in northern Spain ; but there was clearly a nice distinction between the attitude of men north of the Pyrenees , who regarded the Muslim as the wicked infidel , as cattle for the slaughter , and the Christians who had lived among them in Spain and who regarded them as misguided fellow-humans .
14 However , the whole Pierremont extravaganza was too much for ordinary people , and when Henry 's second wife Mary , who outlived him by 28 years , died in 1909 the estate was gradually sold off for housing .
15 THERE was a testing time in store for members of THORP 's Chemical Separation Process team who found themselves in hot water recently .
16 It is still with a sense of amazement at the flights of human inanity that Ruth Michaelis relates the experience of her brother Martin , who found himself in serious trouble with his foster family :
17 Thank goodness we had tutors who helped us to some extent and who seemed quite accustomed to listening to tales of woe .
18 Both were manned by a gentry proud of its local influence , provincial patriots who devoted themselves to improving roads and preserving historical monuments .
19 Who mentioned anything about brand-new Range Rovers ? ’ he enquired evenly .
20 After having a challenge for the domestic middleweight title demolished by Bunny Sterling who stopped him in eight rounds , Hope once more returned with a vigorous sequence of wins culminating in a challenge for the world light-middleweight title held by Eckhard Dagge in Berlin .
21 To those who encountered him at this time , he seemed to grow more thick-set and muscular , endowed already with a public presence .
22 I saw an excellent physiotherapist and a chiropractor who subjected me to some tests and found that the ratio between my hamstrings and my quadriceps was n't good enough .
23 How all those immigrants and children of immigrants , that the Statue of Liberty , means a great deal to those Americans who whose parents or who came themselves from another country .
24 ‘ I was told , ’ said Lili , ‘ by the person who told me about this place . ’
25 Cheerful , and unaware of the failures at the southern lock , he urged on young Watson , who steeled himself for another attempt at breaking through the place .
26 Stephane Grappelli , the renowned jazz violinist , employed English agents who booked him for certain concerts .
27 But it was Sir Norman Brook who identified what to 1980s eyes is the most startling of the missing links in the Cabinet process of the late forties : the lack of any systematic attempt to review long-term public-expenditure trends and the future spending-implications of current policies .
28 The membership of SDS grew rapidly from about 4000 in 1965 to some 100,000 three years later , and throughout this period it had much larger numbers of supporters who identified themselves in some way with ‘ the Movement ’ .
29 The prophets had sharp words for those who reduced them to this level .
30 fjortoft has not scored a single goal in the premiership yet ( he kept them coming at a very steady rate at rapid vienna ( under manager Hans Krankl — one of my favorite strikers — favorite striker of all times has to be Der Bomber , Gerd Muller , who scored something like 60 goals in 50 internationals ! did he in fact score against us in our 2–0 defeat vs Bayern Munich ? ) ) — i guess Fjortoft has problems adjusting to the english play and swindon is not the best of teams anyway .
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