Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Winston Thomas , 47 , who became known as the Bus Stop Rapist , had raped two women and assaulted and robbed three others in a two-month reign of terror in Wood Green , north London .
2 So too would the much-hyped and for once apparently sober hardcore outfit LMS , who failed to deliver on the promise of an anarchic stage act .
3 They concealed the horses and made camp among the trees , out of sight of anyone who chanced to pass during the night .
4 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
5 In France the rule of the dukes who sought to govern in the place of Charles VI who , since 1393 , had suffered from the intermittent attacks of a mental illness which was to remain with him until his death in 1422 , appealed to a rising sense of nationalism which tended to favour a vigorous defence of French interests .
6 We may note Le Chevalier qui fist parler les cons ( seven manuscript copies ) , Cele qui se fist foutre sur la fosse de son mari , " The woman who got fucked on the tomb of her husband " ( six copies ) , Cele qui fu foutue et desfoutue ( six copies ) , La Damoiselle qui ne pooit oïr parler de foutre , " The maid who could not bear hearing talk of fucking " ( five copies ) , La Coille noire , " The black balls " ( six copies ) or La Dame escoillee , " The woman who had her balls cut off " ( six copies ) .
7 The one who got shot in the chest when Special Branch and MIs tried to pick him up in Bayswater .
8 ‘ A smalltime crook who got caught in the crossfire when I was working on a story a couple of years ago .
9 As far as he was concerned , both she and her sister were two of a kind — cheap and unprincipled , living for the moment , regardless of who got hurt in the process .
10 What he said was very significant — that the ANC wanted to encourage any film-maker , black or white , who tried to put on the screen images of black people that were recognisably human , and who also tried to give employment and encouragement to black technicians .
11 A scientist who tried to cope with the orbit of Uranus by proposing that the force between Uranus and the sun obeyed something other than the inverse square law would be opting out of the Newtonian research programme .
12 Haydon , who painted Wordsworth on Helvellyn in 1842 , noted that ‘ His head is like as if it was carved out of a mossy rock , created before the flood ’ , and those who tried to penetrate to the character beneath the face of the old man used the same ‘ stony ’ vocabulary .
13 A friend who tried to go to the man 's aid had to be held back .
14 The school found some support for their interpretation of Mrs Peel 's behaviour from a community nurse who tried to work with the family : ‘ She thinks there 's evidence of sexual abuse ; soiling , language and sexually overt behaviour . ’
15 They became , in a sense , a captive labour force ; those who tried to escape from the land to neighbouring towns could be forcibly returned or punished .
16 Viewers saw him explode with fury at militiamen who tried to stand in the way of aid convoys , and shake with emotion at the tragic plight of victims of ethnic cleansing .
17 Women who tried to get into the car park without a pass this morning were allowed through the barrier , but council officials warned them that they could face disciplinary proceedings if they try again tomorrow .
18 A guard kicked away a dog who tried to run under the scaffold to lick the dripping blood .
19 It was the gentleman who seemed to spring to the door and open it to let the two heavily laden customers out .
20 Indeed , Mr Pocklington and his ilk would take small cannon onto a suitable lake and fire them off for the edification of the plumber partridges who came to nest in the district .
21 The story recalled in Chapter 2 of a stranger named Chipimbi who came to live amongst the Lamba of Zambia , and brought them seeds of maize , sorghum and groundnuts , was one such hero .
22 I was saved by Fritz , who came galloping round the castle to find me .
23 The doctor and the Sisters of Charity who came to help with the nursing were amazed at her tenacious hold on life , but Julia had told Mrs Ward that she was determined to live until Anne 's marriage .
24 He turned his lens on a man who came striding through the concourse , his collar turned up , his hat pulled well down .
25 It can also revive memories of childhood tantrums and distress , locking oneself in the lavatory or bathroom and shutting out the adults who came battering at the door .
26 All Félix 's guests who came to dine at the château paid her extravagant compliments .
27 Jim , a lorry driver who 'd lived in the area for forty years , had spent Christmas with friends , but disappeared from view until his body was found in his house .
28 As a matter of fact er as the years went by we got this benevolent fund and we used to give all the old w as a mat we got a pension fund I know it do n't sound much now , but at that time like during and just after the War we paid twelve and sixpence a week pension to all everybody who 'd retired from the union after they 'd done time , and we also gave them extra grants and took them on er you know outings until a time I said , Well we 're spending all this money on outings , we could buy a bungalow at the seaside and let them all go you know pensioners go in their turn free .
29 ‘ Bet she wishes it was the dashing Dieter who 'd gone over the cliff ! ’ she said cheerfully .
30 The dancing stopped , and while those who 'd travelled to the all-dayer on coaches from Brighton , Hereford , Nottingham , Northampton , Leeds and Sheffield looked bemused at the sound of the King , the West Midlands regulars looked straight to Dermot Ryan , one of the three brothers behind promotions company Chuff Chuff .
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