Example sentences of "up into the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 A rough scramble alongside leads up into the upper reaches of the beck ; here is an untidy tumble of boulders fallen from the enclosing heights but there is one gem where , just above the waterfall , the stream slides smoothly over an immense slab of naked limestone .
2 He sat down in the deck chair , loosened his collar and tie , then lay back and looked up into the dark coolness of the oak branches .
3 Ruth lay beneath him , inert , gazing up into the dark depths of his eyes .
4 She stepped up into the deep cool of the room .
5 In its enclosed valley basin the fume and grime from the cheap coal of its suburban collieries with iron works , brass foundries and glass works was already driving the wealthier merchants up into the healthy heights of Clifton by the 1720s .
6 But for the local manufacturers , we pedal it and dress it up here before it is delivered , so that it 's then in its final beauty , ready for being cut up into the various items of saddlery .
7 She sat back on her heels and watched with pleasure as the flames surged and roared and the twigs sparked and crackled up into the wide opening of the chimney .
8 Sarella gave a gasp as she found herself staring up into the thunderous face of Marc himself .
9 Angel Four grunted once in agony as the cruel steel sliced straight up into the pulsing muscle of his heart .
10 ( Usually this is the pilot 's fault for holding the glider down too much during the initial climb , or failing to get right up into the normal angle of climb . )
11 She looked up into the smashed glass of the windscreen , something was trapped under the wiper blade .
12 When the guard came to he found himself looking up into the wild-eyed face of a wizard , who was menacing his throat with a sword .
13 ‘ The Daleks ’ , however , took the show up into the rarified heights of peak viewing , prompting programme schedulers to see it as a very useful keystone in grabbing audiences for the whole of Saturday evening — which had been Donald Baverstock 's prime intention all along .
14 Many scorned it but rapturous press reviews helped push the record up into the high altitudes of the independent chart .
15 And , ’ she added , looking up into the shadowy void of the dome , ‘ we 're going to need every shot we 've got .
16 She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up into the thin face of Edward Morris .
17 And then , as the escalator carried him up into the main concourse of the station , they 'd have seen the spark returning almost like the glow of a neon tube being borne up into a powerful field of energy .
18 Rincewind , coiling himself like a spring , gave a standing jump and grasped a beam , swinging himself up into the relative safety of the roof with a strength that amazed him .
19 Gambo looked up into the sturdy face of his ruler and his eyes suddenly cleared .
20 Next , of course , the Perks came , swarming up into the open end of the hangar where the Alice sat , ticking and steaming as she cooled .
21 Hrun kicked away and scrambled to his feet , to find himself looking up into the wild horse-face of the dragon , its nostrils distended .
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