Example sentences of "up [prep] the two [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is confirmed by the only formal record of their relationship : an indenture drawn up between the two men in 1474 , but embodying an agreement made in the previous year before the king and his council .
2 This is confirmed by the only formal record of their relationship : an indenture drawn up between the two men in 1474 , but embodying an agreement made in the previous year before the king and his council .
3 Where others might see a more complex situation with a conceptual continuum between starvation , hunger , destitution , poverty ( want ) , and inequality , Moore abolishes poverty by dividing it up between the two extremes of the continuum , also at the same time neatly side-stepping discussion of the visible increase in begging , destitution , and homelessness in major British cities .
4 When at last they did see him coming they had to follow his slow path from the road , watch him lean his bicycle carefully against the wall under the yew and plod slowly up between the two rows of boxwood .
5 Nigel tarted himself up for the two days before her visit .
6 Hope looked down the fell where Colonel and Mrs Moore were strolling with unskilful aimlessness , taking care never to look up towards the two figures on the rump of mountain .
7 The interview is made up of the two sets of interrelated emotions — those of the adviser and those of the client .
8 It can now be seen that the sum of constant capital used up in the two departments during the production cycle is less than the total means of production produced by Dept .
9 The dog whined and squirmed with pleasure , jumping up at the two women in turn .
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