Example sentences of "up [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When using this fin elastic , thread it up through the feeder as usual , but do not take it through the tape-up spring ( the antennae at the end of the tension wire ) .
2 Nathan helped me to my feet and very cautiously picked a way up through the boulders and small crags towards the road .
3 An electrically or tractor-belt-driven fan is used to blow air up through the bales or loose hay , which can be baled and carted quite green and at least a day sooner than normal hay .
4 But experience can often make up for a yard or two of pace .
5 And if it was just exhausted , it was simply a question of postponing his own ploughing and resting it up for a day or two until it had regained its appetite and its strength .
6 But give him his due , he does not give up for a scratch or two , and not even a dagger could hold him off for ever . ’
7 ‘ There were megastars up for the part but old Wallace here got it .
8 I mean a steam tug you got to have coal and you got to have the old boiler , old boiler , you got to heat that up for the steam cos that did n't pay then .
9 But no amount of talking could make up for the unhappiness and lost innocence of my childhood .
10 No , the , the , the extension of them going up for the cup and all , that 's what it was .
11 There were at least two world champions lining up for the start and many seasoned and experienced drivers .
12 But nothing can make up for the fact that any improvements in prescribing practice are too late to save Lexie .
13 The Navigation Acts were not in the first instance devised to make up for the fact that some English revenue was devoted to colonial defence , but defending the colonies came to be seen as an integral part of the Old Colonial System .
14 LANtastic is a peer-to-peer system and because the memory requirement of LANtastic is low , each computer on the network can be set up as a server and still function as a regular PC .
15 What really sets this up as a fraud and complete load of tripe , is the ridiculous assumption on the part of the forger , that my entire squad of players would happily sign a document whose sole aim is to get me removed from the manager 's seat .
16 He was afraid of not measuring up as a lover and worried about his performance in bed .
17 It was laid up during the war and last ran in 1962 .
18 Cars began to draw up amid the rubble and whole families , 60 or 70 people in all , climbed out of them to view the silent barricade .
19 Ouija is made up of the French and German words for ‘ yes ’ , and this would suggest that it was originally an ‘ answering machine ’ for the spirits of the board .
20 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
21 The 1973 Constitution provides for a National Assembly made up of the Cabinet and 30 members elected by popular vote .
22 The 1973 Constitution provides for a National Assembly made up of the Cabinet and 30 members elected by popular vote .
23 The Military were backed up against a wall and disorientated .
24 But here we run up against the difficulty that this formulation appears to derive a prescriptive conclusion from two factual premisses .
25 I was up against the wall and unable to obey my first instinct .
26 Consequently , Reagan , in looking for support from conservative Republicans , ran up against the reality that many of those same people felt bound by obligations to Nixon , who duly won the nomination on the first ballot at the Convention .
27 With only the staff at Bloomsbury House and their regional offices as the long stop for advice and modest practical assistance , it is not surprising that a high proportion of Kindertransporte veterans , possibly as many as one in ten , found themselves up against the police or other bastions of social authority .
28 They bring us immediately up against the complex and fundamental issue of how the images we hold of later life and ageing are put together .
29 ‘ Girls come up against an obstacle or two , maybe on tour , and they tend to give way instead of trying to overcome them . ’
30 ‘ Girls come up against an obstacle or two , maybe on tour , and they tend to give way instead of trying to overcome them . ’
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