Example sentences of "up [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even in his own troubled mind , Vologsky dredged up sympathy for the old man .
2 Type 3 shows that elite competition can be stable , with democratic arrangements building up support for the political system in a ‘ centripetal ’ fashion , so long as the political culture of the country is relatively homogeneous .
3 The one thing that these , and other applications have in common , is a measurement of the Hall effect , in which , in certain circumstances , a voltage is set up perpendicular to a magnetic field and a current passing through a material .
4 Paul 's family in Swindon have given up hope of an early release .
5 The other groups had set up camp on the far side , waiting for a few clear days and the worst of the snow to melt .
6 They set up camp on the uninhabited island ; and started a barbecue .
7 It was because of events like that at Castlemorton Common near Malvern in May , when around 20,000 travellers set up camp for an illegal Bank Holiday festival , that the Government announced tough new measures to deal with illegal encampments .
8 I 've booked a table for us up West in a snazzy restaurant . ’
9 He made himself over by taking up body-building in the Scottish style — which is long and lean rather than pillows of bulk — and changed his name from Thomas to Sean ( in Edinburgh , he 's still universally known as ‘ Big Tam ’ ) .
10 The track index will take up part of the first track of each cylinder .
11 Alien is primarily a mood piece as well as a visual display — there are slow passages in which little happens , building up suspense for the main action scenes , the deaths of six crew members .
12 They either brew up tea on a little gas stove beside their car , or pop into a coffee house for a bun and a flick through The Observer Book of Birds .
13 The sleeping-bag began to soak up tea from the steaming groundsheet , and I screamed , ‘ Damn !
14 As the horses trotted past , kicking up gravel from the rough road , women in dark-brown shawls picked up their babies and shouted at their children to come inside — as though strangers from the east were liable to spell trouble .
15 Conversion of NO 2 to HNO 3 therefore effectively removes NO x from the atmosphere and thus its potential to lock up chlorine in a nonreactive form .
16 As they picked up speed along the main tarmac road it was already 3 a.m .
17 This is made possible by whipping up speed with a continuous pull on the lines by the flyer .
18 She picks up speed in the late evening , after most of the passengers have eaten .
19 In the beginning priority was given to those setting up home for the first time , families with young children , and people who had lost their homes and furniture through enemy action .
20 I will discuss past and likely future trends in households and housing , and give particular attention to the experience of young people setting up home for the first time .
21 Ian says we both ought to leave and either take up work as a married couple in another practice with a view of eventual partnership or set up on our own somewhere , a good long way from here , of course .
22 Her husband was due to retire then and they had decided that they would both give up work at the same time .
23 I mean he gave up work for a long time did n't he ?
24 In contrast to this move to open up broadcasting to the free market , there is the desire to monitor and control output .
25 But he blew his chances when he said that giving up sovereignty to the European Commission was like giving in to Hitler .
26 Bob cried as he wandered into the make up room on the first day .
27 Meanwhile , the Government has stepped in to underwrite the cost of bomb damage to shore up confidence in the British insurance industry and the reputation of the City of London as a world financial centre although that , ironically , may encourage just as much as it may discourage the IRA .
28 And , according to Mrs Aitken , Jake had no objections , so arrangements were made for Carol 's parents to pick up Kirsty on the appointed day .
29 He added : ‘ I am concerned at the whole idea of trying to whip up custom with a free deal which automatically converts into a pay-as-you-go service charged on your phone bill — unless you contract out .
30 THE BELGIAN government has put off a decision on whether to stump up cash for the nuclear plant being built by France at Chooz — a finger of France sucking into Belgian territory .
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