Example sentences of "up [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Three-quarters of Green Form work is made up of advice on divorce and family matters and on criminal cases .
2 In the first place the setting up of machinery for examination and selection predates the creation of means to plan and develop curriculum .
3 For the remaining 20% of patients in whom no cause for the anaemia has been found , careful follow up with monitoring of haemoglobin and red cell indices is required .
4 I will be backing it up with information from Teletext and Videotext in the United States by J. Tydeman et al , who include detailed information relating to current technology and future development of such systems .
5 In the late Eighties Jeremy Ridgway and David Bennett , Zimbabwe-born but living in London , produced the ‘ Cum ’ paintings which were made up in part from semen and shown in New York .
6 Then there are the social conditions children , a whole generation brought up in violence without education and you know you survived only in South Africa if you are black by breaking the law !
7 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
8 Your crystal grows visibly : it breaks up from time to time and the pieces also grow …
9 Your two crystals grow visibly : they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow .
10 It is up to government to finance and provide it — but as far from the DTI as possible .
11 The monitor aims to bring managers up to date with legislation and their responsibilities .
12 A central object of the new Institute was to train these specialists in the ‘ sanction office ’ , keep them up to date with legislation and accounting techniques and make credit managers as much a part of a trading company 's marketing operation as sales managers who already had their association .
13 In those days all aircrew had to take a six monthly Basic Efficiency Examination to ensure they were keeping up to date with equipment and training procedures .
14 It is possible that non-producers with quota could seek the service of brokers who would keep them up to date with supply and demand trends on the short-term leasing market .
15 All CAB advice workers must be kept up to date in information and skills .
16 For instance , you may well admire a well-bred horse that has a lot of competition potential — but even if you can afford it , buying it would be a big mistake if what you really want is something quiet and up to weight to hack and do riding club events .
17 We 're coming up to Christmas of course and that was touched on yesterday how much people spend at Christmas .
18 I thought , if you 've no objection , I could slip up to town after breakfast and go to one of the big stores , and buy him a really handsome shirt and tie . ’
19 Copper is not usually a natural component of water and is picked up by contact with copper and brass fittings or pipes .
20 For example , international insurers compete in part by deploying the abilities to manage large-scale systems they have built up by investment in equipment and human skills over many years .
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