Example sentences of "up [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
2 for I was always keeping up my sleeve for sort of things we might do as opposed to R and M U have done
3 I am a woman , and also a writer who has used up her allotment of renown during her own lifetime ; and on those two grounds I do not expect much pity , or much understanding , from posterity .
4 She would be able to give up her job as secretary in the medical physics department at Larksoken Power Station and start the first of the two children she had planned .
5 Mrs Chalker , who lost her seat at the general election , faced giving up her job as Minister of the Overseas Development Administration and Britain 's leading representative at the European Bank , leaving a gap in the British team but will continue in her post from the House of Lords .
6 The cold of the riverside steps was rising up her spine like mercury in a glass .
7 When Argentina recognises the right to self-determination and freedom of association of the Falklands people , and gives up her claim to sovereignty over the territory , we might be more amenable to trade and contact .
8 Heat crept up her neck in spite of her rigid composure .
9 Having taken up her post as director of the Photographer 's Gallery , Sue Grayson Ford fills us in on her plans for the gallery 's future .
10 Australian Mutual Provident has been building up its stake in Pearl for the last two years .
11 Following only a little chaos , much speedy uncoupling and in-ramping , and a very occasional one-sided angry conversation between ‘ Staff ’ and a couple of luckless young sappers , the aim was achieved , and shortly after the break of a glorious dawn , each rig ran the Union Flag up its mast in honour of a very rare occasion .
12 ‘ 111 Sides ’ is an artistic statement whose clarity of aim , musical achievement and depth of vision would make a dog puke up its ring in horror at how pompous , unfunny , dull , long-winded and self-indulgent Bobo The Pop Star can be after a couple of hits .
13 US West Inc , which last week was talking about the multimedia database system it is developing with Oracle Corp ( CI No 2,166 ) , is stepping up its commitment to infotainment by agreeing to pay $2,500m for a 25% stake in Time Warner Inc 's Time Warner Entertainment affiliate — in which Toshiba Corp and Japanese trader Itochu Corp each has a stake — to seal a deal under which the two companies will collaborate to develop electronic superhighways — full-service cable networks offering interactive programming , entertainment and information .
14 The ease of use of SNMP2 is likely to speed up its rate of adoption by communities other than the local area network world .
15 The 12 , who included former President and secretary-general of the MPRP Jambyn Batmönh , and former Premier Dumaagiyn Sodnom , had resigned when the party gave up its monopoly of power in 1990 [ see p. 37317 ] .
16 Nobody in their right mind gave up their holiday in favour of work !
17 There are many instances of white youths being pressured by their parents to give up their sport in preference for more reasonable and secure occupations , lest they invest their time and energies in a pointless pursuit of intangible dreams .
18 Several airlines are trying to build up their position in advance of the single European market of next year , when the third airline liberalisation package should allow them to operate abroad as though in their home country .
19 If the Bank of England puts up its rediscount rate , discount houses will have to put up their rate of discount on bills ( i.e. pay a lower price for them ) .
20 For their part , the Muslims had already given up their claim to reunion with Syria as their price for participation in government under the Covenant .
21 Now they are poised to step up their bid for promotion to the Premier Division in the New Year along with group winners Cheshire .
22 Wycombe will make up their game in hand at Moss Lane this afternoon and go three points in front if they beat struggling Altrincham .
23 Starting next week ARC will be putting posters on buses , mounting an advertising campaign and pushing thousands of leaflets through doors inviting sufferers to take up their offer of information about the conditions .
24 And it is often those who suffer abuse who are capable of horrendous acts of violence , storing up their hatred for release in an act of revenge against the world .
25 At that point — and discovering such identity of meaning may take some time — children should give up their form in favour of the conventional one for that meaning ( Clark , 1987 , 1988 ) .
26 adding up his bill without reference to the innkeeper ; in other words , leaving vital factors out of account .
27 With an eye on the election in 1995 , this latest action bears all the hallmarks of a bid to shore up his position with support from the land-hungry peasants in the countryside .
28 Hoping as always to avoid trouble , the Goldsmiths decided to require the new Schoolmaster to be examined before being appointed ; this was duly done , and Joseph Whittle , a graduate of Brasenose College , Oxford , took up his position with effect from 28th September .
29 Col. Abubakar Dada , seconded from the Nigerian army , arrived in Banjul on Aug. 4 to take up his position as commander of the national army of The Gambia , succeeding Col. Momodou Ndow Njie , who resigned following demands by his forces for his removal ; there was no formal defence treaty between The Gambia and Nigeria .
30 The chief priest of their idolatrous worship also took up his stand in front of the pagans , on a high mound , and like Balaam , attempted to curse the people of God , and to bind their hands by means of his magical arts .
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