Example sentences of "who [be] [v-ing] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think that people who are living in a fixed abode are paying in the end .
2 But a single indicator dominates the equations , namely the estimated number of children aged 5–17 who are living in a lone-parent family : each such child accrues a thousand pounds .
3 And Homeless and helpless … the war victims who are looking to a local charity .
4 This can be so useful to anyone looking for a secondary school , especially for the young couple with a growing child who are looking for a new area to move into .
5 History has shown that investing in the stock market during times of economic recovery has proved rewarding for investors who are looking for a good return over the longer term .
6 Many of the interesting books of flower paintings in the Library have been donated or bequeathed by plant lovers who are looking for a good home for their paintings .
7 ‘ For those boffins who are looking for an old AC30 , remember that Vox produced three versions with different frequency biases .
8 For people who are training for a particular sport such as karate , specific exercises can be inserted in the routine , for example alternate mae-geri or squat/standup/mae-geri .
9 Erm the views of the er of the subcommittee are that that this does appear to be er perhaps a practical solution er and at the moment , er we are looking to erm make some of the spaces , certainly in the Church Street car park erm short term , I E two hours , certainly so the people who are who are making shopping visits , or visits to the banks et cetera would get the lower car park and the the people who are staying for a longer time would be at the top .
10 Those who are studying on a part-time basis as members of a regional course do so as non-residential students , with regular residential weekends and summer schools .
11 What words of advice would you give to the Italians who are embarking on a similar process of privatisation in museums which Britain underwent in the 1980s ?
12 It is significant that it is the Africans who are pressing for a partial lifting of the ban and the maligned fur trade has made no move in that direction .
13 Vendors who are selling at a substantial price ( including an element for goodwill ) , which has been agreed between the parties on the basis of certain assumptions made by the purchasers regarding the business , are compensated for any risk that they will be asked to take .
14 producers or engineers who are working with a new artist , and creating something unusual or interesting , regularly tip off their contacts in the publishing business .
15 Er , I can assure you that we have ser , we have several hundred people now , who are working on a part-time basis , because they choose to work part-time , whatever their commitments may be .
16 British scientists who are working on a pioneering nuclear fusion project , have held a one day strike .
17 The accommodation described is intended to meet the needs of confused elderly patients who are suffering from a dementing illness but not from gross behaviour disorders or severe physical disability .
18 Clearly the range of the Act is very limited , applying only to lucid adult patients connected or about to be connected to a ventilator who are suffering from a terminal condition ( as defined ) and who execute the appropriate directive.33 A first step , however , has been taken in clarifying the law .
19 It is important that Compacts be designed with sufficient flexibility for those students who are failing at a certain stage , to negotiate re-entry and a further attempt at the goals .
20 And party-goers who 're looking for a good time are being warned they 'll find nothing but trouble at illegal raves .
21 They toured with another Leeds ' band , Age Of Chance , who were breaking at a faster pace than themselves .
22 Israeli police have shot dead twenty one Arabs in Jerusalem , and injured one hundred others who were protesting at a planned march by hard line Jews .
23 He had some troublesome followers who were clamouring for a positive policy without being able to suggest one .
24 These were not necessarily the shy or reserved ones , who were quite likely to be snapped up by ‘ parents ’ who were looking for a quiet life .
25 After counting the remaining rupees carefully , I spent the last free day in the company of a couple of young Seychellois who were going to an offshore reef to lift their fish-traps .
26 Prosecuting counsel John Nutting has alleged the two men , who were travelling in a red Sierra , were stopped in June last year on the A64 Leeds-York road , North Yorkshire , by Special Constable Glenn Goodman and Pc Alexander Kelly .
27 An SJ-20 would be a good choice for the all-rounder kind of player who 's looking for a healthy amount of out-and-out acoustic oomph from an instrument without sacrificing much in the way of tone quality .
28 But she 's being encouraged in her fightback by a young rider who 's recovering from a similar fall .
29 The family of a three year old girl who 's suffering from a rare heart condition has set up a support group to help other sufferers .
30 The success of Nigel Short , who 's preparing for a dramatic world championship final against Kasparov , has raised the profile of chess in this country .
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