Example sentences of "who [be] [vb pp] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Will my right hon. Friend join me in sending condolences to the bereaved family and wishing those who are injured a speedy recovery ?
2 Since almost all the basic sports medicine provision within governing bodies of sport is provided by doctors who are either paid nothing or who are given a small honorarium , the prospect of maintaining separate medical defence cover for their voluntary activities may place their valuable contribution to sport in jeopardy .
3 In a research paper published today , Liberty — the logo used by the NCCL - warns that , without regulations , video surveillance could be used to harass groups who are considered a potential threat to public order , such as young people , ethnic minorities and political activists .
4 A status group is made up of individuals who are awarded a similar amount of social honour and therefore share the same status situation .
5 The only group of workers to achieve shorter hours by legislation were the miners , who were granted an eight-hour day in 1908 after forty years ' campaigning .
6 At a concert at London 's Town and Country Club they were joined on stage by Metelic , a team of Ukrainian dancers from Reading who were given a rousing reception .
7 If I remember correctly , ’ he says , ‘ for the trials they brought out some legal people , people who were given a military rank and sat as judges at the war crime tribunals .
8 When interviewed , Clive Howard said he went every morning to feed the animals , particularly the cats , who were given a free run of the house .
9 The cartel 's leader Pablo Escobar Gaviria remained at large , however , and several journalists were taken hostage , some of whom were murdered , to reinforce the traffickers demands that they be treated as a group and given political status like former guerrillas , who were given an absolute pardon on surrendering [ see pp. 37851 ; 37914 ; 37957-58 ] .
10 The significance of these beliefs in creating a commonsense culture of taken-for-granted racism in Britain is difficult to underestimate , although widespread illiteracy may well have protected the subordinate classes from the level of immersion in racism experienced by the upper classes who were fed a growing diet of racist mythology in fiction , newspapers and missionary tracts ( Lorimer , 1978 ; Miles , 1982 , pp. 118–19 ) .
11 The leaders , who were paid a small amount to compensate for their organizational work , recruited seven other team members ; there were eight such teams .
12 A four year old girl who 's undergone a revolutionary heart transplant operation has spent her first day at school .
14 But one MP , who 's taken a special interest in the problem says the sentence is n't tough enough .
15 Linda Townley , who 's fought a three-year battle with a national newspaper , made a plea for legal aid to be extended to those with no money to sue for libel .
16 3 Each member who is given a Compulsory Sale Notice shall sell all of his shares referred to in the Compulsory Sale Notice at the highest price for the same class per Selling Share to be sold to the Proposed Purchaser on Completion by the Seller .
17 When the book was nearing publication , a scientist who was sent an advance copy to review for Nature magazine was appalled to find it full of errors , with misplaced and erroneously labeled photographs and diagrams .
18 You might as well expect the rivers to run backward as that any man who was born a free man should be contented penned up and denied liberty to go where he pleases …
19 The new rules came in after Treasury solicitors agreed to settle the case of a German law student who was granted a judicial review of the Government 's refusal to reimburse EC students ' tuition fees .
20 This chore fell , more often than not , upon his area whip , the unlucky ‘ Worthy ’ Evans , who was owed a tidy sum .
21 A MAN of 35 who was given a new liver in the world 's first baboon-to-human transplant has died 71 days after the historic op in Pittsburgh , USA .
22 A hospital spokeswoman said it was very pleased with the progress made by Philip O'Rourke , from Donegal Town , who was given a new kidney in an operation on Tuesday night .
23 Mr Prescott , who was given a rousing reception after his election to Labour 's national executive earlier this week , condemned Paul Channon , the former Secretary of State for Transport , for refusing to accept that government policies had played a part in the series of transport disasters that had occured over the last two years .
24 Television presenter Anne Diamond , who was given a special award by the Communicator of the Year committee for her work in highlighting the issue of cot deaths , appeared in a video screened at Torquay .
25 She was an untrained actress who was given an enormous task of carrying so many episodes in the early days . ’
26 The most striking example of an ( unsuccessful ) attempt at bribery was described by an officer who was offered a free choice of goods from a manufacturer 's showroom if he would pour away a formal sample he had just taken ( see s. iii , ch. 6 ) .
27 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
28 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
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