Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb base] [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it is very lately that the truly magnificent taste in gardening has flourished in these northern parts of Europe , for although in King Charles the Second 's reign there was great spirit amongst the nobility and gentry of England for planting and gardening , which spirit was greatly heighten 'd in King William 's reign , during which time most of the large gardens of England were laid out and planted , yet we find the taste at that time extended little farther than to small pieces of box-wood , finish 'd parterres and clipp 'd greens , all of which are now generally banished out of the gardens of the most polite persons of this age , who justly prefer the more extended rural designs of gardens which approach the nearest to nature .
2 These resources are not , by any means , negligible and ‘ they are least negligible for the members who generally fill the most important positions ’ ( Newton , 1976 , p. 164 ) .
3 Request : The Liberal ex-chief was asked to write a few words for ‘ Backroom Boys ’ , a book about ‘ men who distinguish themselves without excess , folk quite happy to take a pleasingly light and unimposing approach , and yet who nevertheless make a reasonably fair showing throughout life ’ .
4 It has evidently met with considerable enthusiasm , but there has been initial resistance from some staff and parents who still favour a more academic approach to teaching and learning .
5 This is a most beautiful residence created with great love and care by the owners , the Vaiani family , who now offer a very warm welcome and generous hospitality .
6 However , it is considered that during the first stage of the expansion of GIS use the largest group of new users are non-computer-literate professionals who frequently have a highly developed insight into spatial data .
7 Anyone can nominate a colleague for the Be Proud scheme , but only those who consistently maintain the very highest standards will be rewarded .
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