Example sentences of "who [modal v] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I look at the Olympic fighters here I see several with good styles and professional potential who should make it to the top if they get with the right coaches . ’
2 Er who 'll get it on the News tonight with a wee bit of luck .
3 In 1945 West European leaders were very reluctant to pursue co-operation because of fears that this could antagonise the Russians — who might see it as an alliance against them — or the Americans — who were opposed to spheres of influence and to closed trading blocs .
4 Suffice it to conclude that there is overwhelming evidence that the external information delivered to those who might use it as an aid to their strategic decision making will tend actually to be used to the extent that it matches the detailed task being undertaken and its context .
5 Their snug cottage looked across the road to the ugliest house on the green , the Rectory , which stood at six o'clock , dead opposite the Youngs across Thrush Green , and was consequently a source of continuous irritation to Edward , the architect , who could see it from every south-facing window of his house .
6 Under the terms of the truce and the modifications agreed to it on 27 June , the siege of Quimperlé would be lifted , Duke John would withdraw his army from Brittany , Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte would be handed over to papal mediators who would deliver it to the King of France when the truce expired , and the English would receive 40,000 francs in compensation .
7 ‘ There is no suggestion we will waive the clause and if an exception was made in this case there might be other companies who have already sold who would see it as a special dispensation for Caldaire , ’ a spokesman said .
8 There are women who will do it for a glass of champagne !
9 For the soul does not easily yield to those who will steal it for the purposes of evil …
10 ( i ) Petition and a copy ( and an additional copy for the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement unless he is the petitioner ) and a further copy for the petitioner or his solicitor ; ( ii ) affidavit verifying the petition with a copy of the petition exhibited ( see section 9 below ) ; ( iii ) receipt for deposit of £240 paid to the official receiver ( Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ) -this sum can be paid to the court who will remit it to the official receiver ; ( iv ) affidavit of service of statutory demand ( if applicable ) ; ( v ) court fee : £45 .
11 If the proposals of early 1858 reached the statute book , " The whole of Russia will turn into nothing more than a military colony ( obratitsia v odno voennoe poselenie ) , and who will save it from the new Arakcheev who is emerging in the person of Iakov Ivanovich Rostovtsev ? "
12 The end result is an extremely well-written , amusing narrative which I commend to everyone fortunate enough to have known the Club and particularly to those who will know it in the future .
13 There are a whole lot of players who can go out there and knock balls in all over the place , score wonderful great big one four sevens and centuries and things of this nature , but what makes the , the good player an excellent player , is the player who can do it on the big occasion .
14 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
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