Example sentences of "who [verb] [vb pp] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , I am remembering ; and please remember , too , Great-grandmother , that I am not a miss any more ; I am a married woman who has run your house for years and has had to put up with a man of your choosing . ’
2 It was published in America in 1974 , translated by Peter Kussi , who has revised his translation for the new edition of 1986 which I am discussing here .
3 Rumsey in West Ham Ward used the same programme , but also issued a leaflet giving details of how he won the DCM , concluding ‘ Do your bit by voting for the man who has done his bit for you ’ .
4 well , that 's a good point you see somebody who has slogged their way for a decade through messy complicated family litigation or have even represented myself in court in front of a judge in the court of session and one , and I 'm very proud of this I did this last May um I know how tough the going is
5 In the English translation from the French of her book entitled The Secret of Life and Youth Danièl Ryman — ex-pupil of Mme Maury who has continued her work for over 20 years — writes , ‘ Marguerite Maury possessed some of the eccentricities of genius … she was a veritable whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm , working ceaselessly until , quite literally , she died of sheer overwork , of a stroke during the night of 25 September , 1968 ’ .
6 In the 1951 election , almost 97% of those who voted cast their ballots for one or other of the two main parties .
7 In the two elections of 1974 , 75% of those who voted cast their ballots for one or other of the main parties .
8 A used car dealer is offering a ten thousand pound reward to track down arsonists who 've attacked his premises for the second time in two weeks .
9 The WEA could take some comfort from the presence among the remaining six on the committee of Alan Bullock , who had expressed his sympathies for the movement in the previous year 's Highway , and of G. B. Thorneycroft of the General Council of the TUC .
10 His resignation followed reports of clashes with the Prime Minster and Finance Minister , Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller , who had rejected his request for increased agricultural credits of US$300,000,000 until the end of the year to deal with an acute agricultural crisis and serious food shortages .
11 There they managed to capture two Germans who had stopped their lorry for a rest , and obtained a jerrycan full of water .
12 She wondered at her own weakness in craving for a man who had professed his love for her and made her with child , only to walk away without even a backward glance .
13 She praised the gallantry , determination and sense of duty of the servicemen and women who had given their lives for their country .
14 When asked to restore those Frenchmen who had lost their lands for refusing to recognise the legitimacy of English rule in the duchy , the English negotiators refused point blank .
15 The man behind the final stages of the planning was the then Deputy Chairman of the Board , Mr J M Woolf , CB , a great advocate for and a frequent visitor to the cutters who had seen our need for more sophisticated and faster boats .
16 Four months ago at Maastricht , Mr Major was the new boy , the cadet among titans who had led their countries for 10 years or more : Kohl , Mitterrand and Andreotti , men who shared a vision of a tightly-integrated monetary and political union and who rode roughshod over Britain .
17 On Jan. 2 the body of 17-year-old Andrés Arturo Gutiérrez Maya , who had confessed his responsibility for the March 1990 murder of Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa , the presidential candidate of the left-wing Patriotic Union party ( UP ) [ see p. 37312 ] , was found , along with that of his father , in an abandoned car in Medellín .
18 At the end of the financial year , the Institute 's membership register contained , in addition to the eight Honorary Fellows , the names of 103,415 members who had paid their subscriptions for 1992 or were eligible for free membership .
19 John told her that Mick , who had finished his examinations for Higher School Certificate , had been called up for the Royal Air Force .
20 It was reported on Aug. 3 that the Supreme Court of New South Wales had awarded damages of A$2,850,000 ( US$2,224,500 ) to a teenage girl who had sued her mother for negligence committed whilst the girl was still a foetus .
21 Benjamin looked in desperation at the gatehouse of St Bartholomew 's Priory : the balcony was already full of important , well-dressed people who had brought their children for a day out ; they had also brought sugared apples , dishes of marzipan and jugs of wine to make their enjoyment complete .
22 She had a friend from finishing school , Maria , who came from a rich Hungarian family , and who had fled her country for Paris in 1956 , at the time of the Russian invasion .
23 I remember going to Government House with Pop to lunch with the Wavells who had divided their house for wounded and men on leave , and had heard of our soldiers in Maymyo and in Poona .
24 These people had been contacted by a couple who had opened their home for evangelistic supper parties .
25 Cheney said that he had dismissed Dugan , who had held his command for only three months , because he had violated standing orders on the public discussion of military operations and had showed " poor judgment at a sensitive time " .
26 And the scene of the burning of the books , seen on film by her many times , was as vivid as an actual memory : Hitler 's jack-booted thugs in their brown shirts , swastikas on their arms , heaving the books from the Library and heaping the heritage of the world on to a pyre , dancing and gloating as the flames consumed book after book , volume after volume : Heine , Schiller , Brecht , Thomas Mann , Einstein , Freud , Marx : history , poetry , novels , science , the works of philosophers , psychologists — men and women who had dedicated their lives for the betterment of the brutes who burned their books ; brutes living in utter ignorance , leading lives as dull and limited as the beasts of the fields , inspired only by resentment , vile prejudice , and blind hatred of what they could not understand , and , it was true , victims themselves of poverty and ignorance seeking victims in their turn — and finding them .
27 According to reports , clashes occurred after black Mauritanians , who had left their country for Mali during the dispute with Senegal , had organized raids into Mauritania to recover the livestock which they had left there .
28 ‘ A lot of the credit for that goes not only to the photographers themselves who have argued their case for greater prominence , but a great debt is owed to people like the editor Harold Evans who pioneered the creative use of photography in papers .
29 Most kidneys for transplant come from those who have left their bodies for the organs to be used after death , but there were not enough .
30 There are Windsors , Mountbattens , Brittans , Weidenfeld , etc who have changed their names for reasons well known .
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