Example sentences of "who [verb] [pron] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Legal aid was provided for more than 337,000 people last year , including many who found themselves on the receiving end of a court action .
2 Willpower often works — although it did not for Bailey McMahon , who found themselves on the receiving end of action by the Irish authorities .
3 Entrepreneurs , by their nature , are relatively thin on the ground — and an ungrateful lot not given to remembering those who helped them on the first , shaky steps on the ladder .
4 In Germany the privilege of driving it was handed to Mario Andretti who crashed it on the first lap .
5 Nick Champion of Russell , Baldwin and Bright Markets , who run it on the four Tuesdays prior to Christmas and sell several tons a year , says dealers are having to travel far afield to collect mistletoe to sell at Tenbury .
6 The custodian of this mood of growing calm was the new Prime Minister , James Callaghan , who imposed himself on the public consciousness as a new Baldwin , the apostle of peace in our time .
7 We rely on the good advice of our solicitors who advise us on the appropriate action to take .
8 In 1983 , for example , Gallup found that of voters who placed themselves on the political left and right , 22 per cent placed themselves at various ranges of the left end of the scale ( from ‘ far ’ to ‘ slightly ’ left ) , 51 per cent placed themselves on the right , and 13 per cent regarded themselves as middle of the road .
9 William Hurt is the medic of the title , an eminent surgeon who finds himself on the other edge of the scalpel when he becomes seriously ill .
10 Jane , who had a natural feel for mood and background which complemented the clothes , swam more than competently and her black and white images of windswept models against bleak moors or stark beaches created for many who saw them on the white shop walls their indelible image of ‘ Laura Ashley ’ .
11 Those who briefed him on the successful Los Angeles bid — Manchester retains the same American consultants — reported similar problems .
12 Like the dozens of blue uniformed Serbs , who hold the high ground around outlying Serbian villages to the east of Sarajevo , the bands of Muslims who greeted me on the other side with loud applause expected I would somehow provide aid .
13 Brackley itself produced rather few people who impressed themselves on the historical record .
14 Among the wildest of the ecstatics who float themselves on the spontaneous , comparable only with the poet , lover or mystic , is the man of reason possessed by a new insight .
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