Example sentences of "who [verb] [pron] about [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A playwright once responded to someone who asked him about the message of his play that when he wanted to send messages he did so by telegram .
2 Younger girls who put it about a bit are called ‘ piglets ' . ’
3 The one who interviewed me about the accident . ’
4 ‘ I 've been asking around about Werner , who interviewed you about the accident .
5 It was Pam , much more worldly-wise than he , who told him about the affair .
6 It was Mozaffar Alam , the Mughal historian , who told me about a book which became one of my favourite Delhi texts : the Muraqqa'-e-Dehli .
7 Having disposed of the simple administrative matter in a commonsense way , I then spoke to Chris protheroe who told me about the fatigue failure of the right stabiliser spar .
8 It is only the inexperienced dealers , who know nothing about the stock market and who are desperate for money that can be manipulated this way .
9 In this instance , John and his buddies will be happy that their ‘ expert knowledge ’ and status has been publicly recognised , and the bulk of the audience who know nothing about the marketing concept are flattered that someone thinks they know something about it .
10 Now this is a good idea , and in fact there 's a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that geologists and astronomers who know something about the earth 's atmosphere have looked into to suggest that this is quite a feasible mechanism for the formation of prebiotic molecules .
11 Those who know anything about the way in which universities and polytechnics work know that they are businesses and not merely halls of residence .
12 Ca n't think why we 've stuck so long with people who knew something about the job . ’
13 They listened to people who knew nothing about the game , to people who exploited them , people who taught them the wrong things .
14 ‘ Who was it who said something about the lady arguing too much ? ’
15 Who said anything about a home ?
16 Who said anything about a court ? ’
17 Who said anything about a parrot ? ’
18 At Dorchester on 20 October 1714 , the day of George 's coronation , it was the decision of the Dissenters to burn an effigy of the Pretender that provoked the wrath of the Jacobites , who armed with clubs proceeded to set about " those who carried him about the Town
19 Subdivide each point into simple statements and then ask yourself whether the point will immediately be grasped by someone who knows nothing about the subject .
20 This need not be your tutor ; even someone who knows nothing about the subject can say whether you are making sense .
21 Imagine a scientist in the distant future who knows everything about the mechanism and neurology of vision , but who is blind from birth .
22 Sgt Steve Raw said : ‘ We would like to hear from this man but also from anyone who knows anything about the incident and ask them to contact us on . ’
23 Anyone who knows anything about the building workers and continued process working will understand that there are numerous reasons why it is impossible to have a 40 hour working week .
24 Detectives are appealing for anyone who knows anything about the matter or who may have seen the lorry to contact CID at Bessbrook , tel 838222 , immediately .
25 Yeah , yeah , they have n't got anybody who knows anything about the business , well not enough about it .
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