Example sentences of "who [verb] [pron] [noun sg] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Martin Shaw , the Derby director who represents his club on the League management board , said : ‘ The existing rules allow for flexibility in dealing with a case where the player clearly has done nothing wrong himself . ’
2 The departure of Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith was regretted by those who shared his emphasis on the political issues .
3 In Colombo policemen often took advantage of municipal health , safety and traffic regulations in order to ‘ tax ’ carters , rickshaw drivers and others who made their living on the streets of the capital , and in the twentieth century bus drivers regularly bribed the police .
4 The demotion of Aldana ( who retained his position on the politburo of the ruling Communist Party — PCC ) , was later officially confirmed and put down to " serious personal errors and deficiencies in the execution of his responsibilities " .
5 Believers then follow the practice of the person who stubs his foot on a stone and looks upwards with the cry , ‘ Oh God ! ’ as if hoping for some sympathetic supernatural spectator to be looking down on what is happening .
6 Lawrence , who fractured his kneecap on the last day of the final test in Wellington , arrived at Gatwick airport this morning .
7 One of the stars was the trapeze artist , Señorita Pinito del Oro , a gypsy who learnt her art on a clothes-line strung between two Madrid apartment buildings .
8 Because of her involvement in politics and close knowledge of major social issues , Webb was among the first of those anti-suffragists who rested their case on the fact that local politics provided a sufficient outlet for maternal influence to recognise that the huge divide between local and national issues in politics was ceasing to exist .
9 In the noble eloquence of his plea for conciliation with the colonists , Burke , who based his case on the proposition that they had not been represented at Westminster , drew a strange and illogical conclusion .
10 Now Earle Kirton , the former Otago and All Black fly-half who regained his place on the All Black selection panel late last year , has bee picked as Mains ' assistant coach for the coming season .
11 Organic meat needs experienced butchery and not a quick swipe with the band saw before being instantly packaged — so go to a butcher who buys his meat on the hoof from a farmer who is n't into organics just for the sake of profit .
12 Next , they brought out the wally who placed his head on the block but , being a wally , he did it the wrong way , facing upwards instead of downwards .
13 Three groups of river-people lived here ; firstly the fishermen , then the bargemen who plied their trade on the navigable river , and finally the boatmen who married into the older families after the opening of the Oxford Canal in 1790 .
14 Brenda Ford is the name of the girl who broke her neck on the stairs .
15 While Harriet Harman who lost her seat on the shadow cabinet and has been strongly criticized for he commons performances over the past year , keeps hers .
16 They had all come to pay their last respects to the local boy , decorated for his part in the Gulf War , who lost his life on a training mission in the Scottish Highlands .
17 His failure can not have pleased the training officer , who was paid a bonus for every dealer who kept his place on the dealing floor .
18 ‘ What we can certainly not be are black racists who turn their back on the philosophy which has inspired the ANC since its birth , ’ he said .
19 He would now and then play the most egregious fool in his carriage and was so much given to jesters , players and childish sports , to make himself merry , that anybody who saw his gravity on the one part and his folly and lightness on the other , would surely say that there were two distinct persons in him .
20 Fox 's woes were compounded by the emergence of Dale Gordon , who took his place on the wing and kept it until leaving for Rangers in November 1991 .
21 It might be the place where the young of the West come to be seen , but it is the old guard who hold their ground , the poets and writers , pamphleteers and musicians who leave their mark on the atmosphere of this enchanted city .
22 Christian Nagel is an art historian from Munich who did his doctorate on the Paris avant-garde galleries of the nineteenth century .
23 Other Unionist speakers — the debate was boycotted by the opposition parties — who supported his judgement on the ban included the liberal Phelim O'Neill .
24 The verdict came as an immense relief for Mr Major , who put his job on the line over the Maastricht Treaty .
25 Credit was given for goods sold in the ordinary way , he said , only because the vendor believed the purchaser would pay , and fear of imprisonment benefited no one but the tallyman who forced his credit on the unwary poor .
26 The corresponding Jamaican word is [ bada ] , with RP / / /d/ , but this is not the adaptation made by the speaker , who bases her adaptation on the London form " bovver " ( [ del> ] ) .
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