Example sentences of "her [noun] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She tucked stray wisps of hair back under her kerchief , then picked up her case and walked up the steps on to the porch .
2 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
3 She had a burning desire to pack her case and leave on the first mode of transport she could find — she would even settle for a donkey if there was one .
4 He sounded so disgusted that she seized her case and bolted through the door he indicated .
5 She slid out of her bunk , grabbed her robe and stormed through the galley into his cabin .
6 She held the Moosehead repeater to her chest and died with a sentimental smile on her face .
7 She gasped , clutched her chest and sank to the metal grillework which served as the floor of the corridor .
8 As Jenny walked off down the hall with the tray , Cassie shoved the kitchen door partly closed with her foot and darted to the pantry .
9 She finished her notes and looked at the list of suspects .
10 A little later , Emily was looking through her accounts and came across a bill for French calf ; thoughtfully , she turned it over in her hands , Hari would need to buy the calf too and the usual practice was to pay for it at the end of the month .
11 Frau Nordern glanced at her watch but seemed in no hurry to move .
12 On her way back to the surgery , Sophie glanced at her watch and realised with a start that she had left Joanna on her own for nearly two hours .
13 Donna glanced agitatedly at her watch and walked to the main doors , trying to see the Volvo parked in the street beyond .
14 Margaret glanced at her watch and jumped off the bed .
15 Aunt Sarah 's rug needle dropped from her fingers and clattered on the stone floor .
16 She pinned them bravely to the shoulder of her dress , touched the blooms lightly with her fingers and said to the room at large ,
17 Guido dropped her cases and strode across the tiled floor .
18 Quite unharmed by her experience but suffering from a fit of the sulks .
19 But when she had washed her hair and dressed in a new pair of designer jeans and a silk shirt that had been a Christmas present and which she 'd never worn before — it was n't to Eva 's house that she went but back down into the town , towards the theatre and the Franz Joseph .
20 She bought plimsolls in the morning and washed her hair and sat in the conservatory drying it .
21 I put my stethoscope on her heart and listened to the increasingly faint , rapid beat then I straightened up and sat on the rug looking sightlessly into the fireplace , feeling the warmth of the flames on my face .
22 They came from the deeps of her heart and rose to a wail of anguish .
23 ‘ I would ask the woman who has got Farrah to search her heart and think about the anguish she is causing the mother .
24 Only her determination not to betray weakness in front of fitzAlan had enabled her to grit her teeth and step into the seemingly bottomless pit .
25 She now had a cigarette between her teeth and squinted against the smoke .
26 In the end , Honor gritted her teeth and tapped on the door .
27 He brushed his thumb across her cheek , wiping the wetness from her skin but leaving behind the sensation of fire on her flesh .
28 Zeinab had no great love of Copts but she was n't having anyone attacked in the entrance of her building and pitched into the youths with such fury that they ran off .
29 She moved away a little , patting her petticoats and looking at the dog .
30 She watched , listened , learned and assessed , speaking only when spoken to in general — whilst all the while making her plans and looking to the future …
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